Cheating against a TTV streamer – Dead By Daylight

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44 thoughts on “Cheating against a TTV streamer – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Love when people see you have Agitation at the end of a game, after assuming you were cheating, and instead of going "oh that's why" they buckle down with "THAT WAS MORE THAN 18%!!!!"

  2. I've honestly stopped playing DBD…
    Play good: get accused of hacking
    Play bad: get bullied.
    Survivors use the cheapest tactics possible, and killers (most of the time) feel overpowered. I don't know, just my opinion. I still love watching the videos though! Great content

  3. Ah yes "SHE DEFINETLY CHEATING" and "that was not 18%" as someone who doesn't even know what perks you using it's hilarious that they try to be smart after game

  4. I would assume coming across survivors who have no idea what Agitation is is a 1/100 chance right? It sure does seem like you come across these a lot. You should share them please.

  5. I love that they think all killers run at, I dunno, Deathslinger's speed instead of being slightly faster. Iron Grasp deserves recognition too, for stopping them from swaying you too much to the side. Great work on vom mom, Benjo

  6. I know most of the comments are about agitation but let me throw this in there. How are so many people unfamiliar with this perk? It literally comes with the first ever killer in the game. It's also not THAT uncommon.

  7. Instead of being surviovor main streamers, they should play some killer games and learn how everything works on the other side. Maybe then they stop accusing other people of being cheaters. And it isn't Vomitty Girl, it's Vommy Mommy.

  8. I used your build one time against a TTV as Ghostface in Midwich and he immediately knew 3 of the 4 perks I had and was cool with it. He only questioned me on how I know where people are as I am carrying people and that's only because it's Midwich, I know people are just waiting near hooks in nearby rooms.

    And if you're wondering, he guessed Agitation, Iron Grasp, and Starstruck (Because I wasn't using BW at that time). He was surprised I was using Mad Grit which goes to show that Mad Grit isn't used a whole lot or at all.

  9. lmao they TRIED to read the perks I guess, but can't accept the truth
    also "she's cheating" (uses an outside program like discord to allow communication with a group in a game designed without ingame voice chat)
    Honestly DBD should detect discord and skype and just not allow you to match if you're using them.

  10. In this video they are showing the average survivor's best skill:

    "Sore Loser"
    Your toxic mentality prevents you from being anything but entitled.
    Whenever the killer outplays you, you instantly blame the game for being killer-side or the killer for using hacks.
    Ruin the community complaining on social media. All killer players are exhausted for the rest of the day.

  11. People forget that agitation + iron grasp makes you move faster than 18% because you don't wiggle which usually would slow you down a bit too. So she was right, it was more than. 18%, it was like 19%


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