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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
I'm wondering why there is a debuff on that pig add-on. It looks like it feels really bad, and It kinda reminds me of the new Built to Last with a Toolbox. You're trading consistent progress with spike progress by getting in a locker to replenish the charges. But in this case, you're spending more time charging up just to move a (not very significant) amount faster in dash. I believe it'll stay a very niche ability, and will only serve as anti-loop against weaker/non-skilled Survivors.
Ambush is pretty dogshit, because as an antiloop, not only do u do the direction read where u guess what side the survivor will be on. You also have also to do a read of if they run away from the loop which makes your charge useless, which fuck knows if they do cause you crouch and u cant seem them run away and lose heaps of time, unlike most other antiloop killers who even if reading a pallet drop can at least see where the survivor is going and wastes minimal time catching up. Tru3's brought up this analogy before where you have to do multiple reads in a row, ambush is basically that.
i was just as confused as you tru3 when that chick was pointing at the totem
Geez that new survivor screams so loud and dramatically, almost like she just got stabbed in a asymmetrical horror game
I thought taking away free grabs was supposed to be a hit
I see only a few scenarios right now where boon perks are really strong, most of them at endgame. In a 3-Gen scenario, that healing perks is gonna be crazy. The killer can't leave, but the survivors bless a totem somewhere out of the way and keep healing as many times as they want to. You only need that healing perk on one person, and it's like Perma-We'll Make It, in that scenario. Same with EGC. Killer's gotta patrol the gates. They don't have time to go and find the totem, even if it's close. Everyone in the meantime gets free quick heals and they're out.
Other than that, it's either detrimental, (like Self-Care people will go out of their way to heal instead of just doing the damn gens,) or of limited use when a people just don't bring Boon Perks themselves. At least that's they way I'm seeing it.
You know, it's kinda sad that they aren't giving Pig an actual buff but just reworking some addons and nerfs all because shit survivors cause her to have the highest killer rate out of all the killers.
Ya, so pig is still shit
I feel the new survivor will be like jeff where Iron will is basically necessary
Boon healing is insane. 2 people healing an injured survivor is a 4 second heal.
it's 16 seconds if you self care, 8 seconds if someone else heals you, and 4 if two people heal you. Which means a killer can slug a survivor within the AOE of a boon totem and before they can injure the swf swarming them they can get the slug back up.
It's pretty much broken with the fact that it can override hexes but killer hexes can't override boons…
Excited to stack red video tape with exhaustion add on so they start the trial that way
Kinda hoping the survivors animation to a boon totem bless was more interesting. Still cool idea
Please tell me the animation when snuffing out a boon totem is just a placeholder and not final.
You know if you are at around 45 degree angle to any wall you can actually ambush backwards, which is super strong for pig, now I will be even better.
The mighty Pig's roar shook the very heavens
Lol whoever said you’re try Harding in the PTB is sensitive. You were clearly just chilling trying stuff out just playing not sweating at all 🤣🤣
1:58 Bhvr: We made it so if a grab gets cancelled, the Killer will instead automatically swing instead so that the Killers still get the down/injure.
Yeah, all nice and good if you would actually GET the hit, but not only gets the grab cancelled but also the hit misses because reasons.
What are pigs updates exactly I didn't see anything new this match
Boon totems will end this game
man, the new survivor scream is something.. I need a headset to watch this now. xD
Since when do pigs roar? 🤣
These devs are brain dead, why nerf half of the killer cast…. just incompetent
I wonder if they'll just finally give up and turn long time Survivor meta perks into Boon perks.
Oh don't worry ill be the survivor who clenses all the totems so no one can bless a boon totem. I need my blood points plus detectives hunch is one of my favorite perks. Sorry for any survivor running that perk in my game. Oh and killer your welcome haha I honestly think we will see a lot of that happening making those boon totems completely useless. If your in a swf or comma yes boon totems will be deadly
this new chick & Claire really have some serious "hurt me more" moans. good lord.
Survivors changes: a whole new game mechanic that can kill hex totems, make them OP and add more things for the killer to do.
Killer changes: nerfs that made good killers trash and nano-micro-buffs on killers that have been D tier for 3 years.
This game is a joke.
I see there's still no change to pinheads chains… How lovely…
Pig's best Dash add-ons are Workshop Grease and Combat Straps
@2:38 had my rolling😂
All of these changes to killers, I had no idea.
People want to test new stuff in the TEST build. That's why they get salty when you play normally. Go back to live if you wanna play normally.
Looool why is tru3 a hypocrite, he was PISSED when pig didn't let him experience the totem stuff when he was the new survivor lol but now that he's pig he didn't care for the survivor experiencing the new totem stuff HAHAHA