I want to point out, that Benjo turned 90 degrees to the right as he stood before the door so Dwight didn't have crawl the extra distance as he was dropped.
hey benjo have you considered posting your videos to tiktok? most of them are the perfect length, if youd want i could make an account for you and post them for you
Are you faster with permaswinging with mad grit?
Starstruck really carried this one
I love the fully internalized "Look away from common flashlight spots" when picking someone up even though everyone else is dead.
Fun fact,you can give hatch, and close it after they scape and still get the points.
No dislikes
I think I went up against you today
How could u hit like that fast is it glitch or something or hacking.
here before the dwight dislikes 🙂
Don’t give them hatch if they struggle traitor!
why does it look like a mincer machine? I mean isn't that how the cannibal distribute the fresh meat before storing it?
Survivors tend to be very predictable with that gen. When it’s done, down the rabbit hole they go.
I want to point out, that Benjo turned 90 degrees to the right as he stood before the door so Dwight didn't have crawl the extra distance as he was dropped.
hahaha that was hilarious the music gave it that extra chill feel lol
What the fuck. Why???
They didn't hear your terror radius, what the hell?
I demand at least 10 videos a day!
The most chill dbd video I’ve ever watched
hey benjo have you considered posting your videos to tiktok? most of them are the perfect length, if youd want i could make an account for you and post them for you
These two are Champs for not disconnecting.
Bubba GOD
So generous bubba giving hatch omg 😭
I trust you they were not your paid actors XD
I see the new Matchmaking is working well 🤣
This video is poetry!