Chucky First Impressions are Great – Dead by Daylight

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20 thoughts on “Chucky First Impressions are Great – Dead by Daylight”

  1. So chucky is basicly like the nic cage chapter, but for killers. I loved nic cage, and i will love this. I played nicolas with ALL his perk since release and chucky will do the same

  2. Favorite thing is that the hex doesn't start the match active 3 steps away from the survivors and gets cleansed before it does anything.

    Wish they all triggered off something kinda like this one.

  3. A pretty slow killer with a knife who is also in 3rd person like a survivor? What we could have have had with Legion huh. Maybe Behavior will go on a 3rd person killer phase and give Legion a proper rework this time.

  4. Everyone say its 3rd person.
    Its actually 2nd person. like it says Its playing from the perspective of another person looking at the character.
    The camera is person 1 Human form chucky looking at person 2 Chucky. and actually switch to first person when you pickup someone.

    Gameplay wise its "3rd person" but really its 2nd

  5. IM SUCH A BIG CHUCKY FAN AND THIS IS EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED, He is hilarious and thats all a chucky fan can hope for. I seriously think chucky is one of the best killers we've ever gotten. Its so incredibly creative and fun. I dont think he'll be busted but i think a lot like his size and how to loop him will be hard to fully figure out cuz hes got so much to him

    I think one nerf chucky will get is after his lunge he'll be slowed down more kinda like xeno was. Is chucky healthy for the balance of the game? likely not but this is the kinda fun shit we need in dbd. Its become so stale and samey now we have a character that literally changes the game cuz he has the same view as survivors. Personally i think this is the best inclusion since PH who changed the game in a good way too

    im getting him to p100 asap

  6. The main thing I think is super insane is gonna that friends for life perk is with the obsession swapping perks. That thing is gonna be NUTS when you do things like that.

  7. Well, my impression is, he will be boring. As people master his anti chase. He will just be xenomorph in chase. Prethrowing pallets will be meta and hold w. He is fun since no one knows how to use him yet. How did they balance his dash? Pig has a semi balanced dash, has to crouch, move slower while stealth or crouch to use the dash. They just made chucky the better stealth ability than pig's power. Pig's traps are kinda slow setting for today's game. Rip Pig.

  8. Okay so, this is the best killer since Wesker. Chucky shittalks you, Wesker shittalks you. This means that in order to great good killers, all future killers must shittalk you.


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