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Just vibing as the Legion on Haddonfield. IDK man, clearly the map is killer sided! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Legion in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
Clearly legion is just op throw Franks mixtape in there and you’ll be a god 😉
not gonna talk about how that was the easiest game of your career? just go play pubg tat you need a challenge
i mean you won bro it's clearly enough 😎
Smh tunnelling and camping again 😉
Blindness add on op?
Officially killer is too op
Long-time Siege player here: it is usually well-polished (though not without its fair share of bugs emerging every season). The devs clearly care about it and push out free, regular content. But as someone who has been playing it for years, it has gone from a fun game where you can sweat or meme, depending on what you want, to a game that is now completely catering to the most competitive 1% of players. Honestly, I struggle to have fun with Siege anymore without a solid group of friends to play with.
Dude imagine the killer bringing a haddonfield offering. I can imagine the fear of the survivors, they would probably piss themselves from the sheer massive balls that killer must have.
imagine complaining about haddonfield
There’s nothing more satisfying than getting a 4k on the most survivor sided map in the game
That meghead having the worst game of their life. Way to put them down.
Yeah, it was getting wierd when they released tom clancys tamagochi
The whole game is killer sided, superfast killers, killers than can kill you instantly like Myers, most games ends with full survivors wipe if the killer is good.