Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 15! | Dead by Daylight Builds

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.tv

Another random perk, addon, offering, build video!


Website that I use for randomization – https://briggs-space.co.uk/Browse/DBD_Rando/DBD-Randomizer.php

I stream Dead by Daylight 6 nights a week over at Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/ohtofu

Also hit up my socials here:
Twitter – https://twitter.com/OhTofuOfficial
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25 thoughts on “Random Killer & Perks Roulette Ep. 15! | Dead by Daylight Builds”

  1. I actually thought Mindbreaker might be good on Freddy's teleport ability. Then Tofu scares them off that Discordance gen, asks Jake if he has Dead Hard, I'm like "come on Mindbreaker value!" and then this Jake dead hards…

  2. Hey Tofu! Now that the masochism series is starting to wind down, is it about time to start the Sadism series where you go as OP as possible on each killer? Then, as each new killer comes out, you can play your two games with one masochist and one sadist. Just an idea. ;D

  3. I always liked using Solvent jug on clown since it guarantees I won't deal with Try Hard lol

    Sadly its getting nerfed/changed in this upcoming clown change into boosting the Antidote bottle i think?

    So I'm just using up all my SJugs before the update lol

  4. Mindbreaker on freddy seems interesting since he's good at chasing people off of gens. Some of the players who you expected to deadhard to a pallet didn't… and the one player started walking right after you chased him off a gen likely to recover that exhaustion for dead hard.

  5. Mind breaker isn't op in my opinion at least not on most killers as I just stand still shortly and can use my exhaustion after that. I see most killers before they are at the gen so I can walk shortly. That does not apply to most stealth killers though or very good players of spirit and nurse.


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