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Built to Last is a niche perk that can make powerful items even stronger. In this video, we’ll learn how it works and see an example of it in action.
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Okay please don't kill me, I messed up the name of the perk because I used a template. 😅
"Hello friends, this is Otz, the Not is silent"
Does built to last work with syringe or styptic agent?
Players like that nurse ruin Dbd and you know damn well they can only play nurse, spirit and Huntress. Probably shit with every other killer
That nurse is a lying through her teeth i recognize that name and have played against her she slugs a lot and leaves you on the ground for days..
Once time per match it refills? Really bad perk lol
I love the idea of opening up your $120 textbook only for it to say, “You are Otz.”
Huh, got it. I’ll go with that now.
Why do I get the feeling this video was made because Otz got bored while waiting to be able to queue again
do blood warden next… its quite strong
Otz trynna make survivors use this perk and medkits instead of ds and keys
I love Built to last, botany, selfcare, and spinechill while my friend uses streetwise and leadership
“Hello friends, this is Otz…. for now….”
that dc punishment 0:01
"You could also bring a key"
But please don't 🙁
Otz being matchmaking locked tells me he tore himself out of a match in pure RAGE after the killer laughed at his perk build, so he could make this video.
he left a game and just thought… fuck it. ill do an underrated perk video hahaha respect it
"Hello friends, this is Otz, as proven by a thorough investigation."
then next video:
"Hello friends, this is Otz, although the investigation was proved inconclusive."
I like how he has a matchmaking ban, so he’s like, “if I’m gonna wait, I’m gonna make a video while waiting”
"Match Making Locked". Otz did you rage quit and then decide to change your usual perk set up and make a video??
Purple medkit, 2 charge addons, built to Last, streetwise, Botany, self care. You can get 8 self heqls outta that.
The comments are giving Otz more ideas to start future intros
"say hi to mom" lol
helps you with alogythim
totaly English in perfect writing
at 15:22 i felt that
Gameplay begins at 6:47.
This was a really good one.
16:00 Awkwardly Manly Scream by that Feng.
I love your videos I was so lost at first in dbd but after watching your videos I am definitely getting better at playing killer im still a trash survivor but I love your videos and really want to get better
I don't see this perk underrated in community
when Felix came out ALL his perks was looking pretty OP
8:32 that scared tf out of me
"Hello friends this is otz, that's what J.K Rowling told me anyway"
I feel like built to last should have a cool down, instead of it being wothless for the rest of the game. Like 250 seconds for t1, 225 seconds for t2, and 200 seconds for t3
Does autodidact work any different with botany knowledge?
I like Built to Last for the "Fully deplete 5 Toolboxes/ Medkits/ Keys"-Archive Challenges. Just bring any toolbox and get the challenge done twice as fast!
Otz's headphones look so comfy
I think a good build with this would be:
Built To Last
Ace In The Hole
Botany Knowledge or Plunder's
Green Medkit that Otz is running
hear me out bild to last + streetwise and if its a med kit + botany >->
If you have a challenge to "fully deplete" an item, using built to last will allow you to "deplete" the same item twice, and it counts it like that.
"Hello friends, this is Otz. According to what my past video said."
Hello friends
I like the fact that he left the match got suspended from matches for 5 minutes and decided to make a video
Also it's good to do 1 gen fast at the start, wouldn't be better to use this on last gen (especially in case of 3 gen situation) or eliminate problematic gen in the middle of the map, like one on central road in Haddonfield? That may give you advantage that teem wise would be more significant than loosing several perk slots for one toolbox.