CLICKY 4-MAN Quick-Switch Meet My Pig | Dead By Daylight

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21 thoughts on “CLICKY 4-MAN Quick-Switch Meet My Pig | Dead By Daylight”

  1. What the HECK? How DARE you play one of the weakest killers in the game at the highest MMR against a full 4-man and COMPLAIN about their perks..??? Do you not see you're running Pop AND Tinkerer…? DISLIKED.

  2. i don't like dead hard either but saying it'd be a walk in the park without it is just silly with bloodlust still in the game. Like.. you're meant to catchup to most survivors no matter the skill gap because of the way most loops/structures are built in current dbd. Most killers agreeing with you would clutch their pearls if anybody brings up the removal of bloodlust though. But we don't talk about that when talking about dead hard since we're not ready for that talk yet.

  3. Its a shame the way this guy is. Really good killer main, but he has such a distasteful personality. Very accusive of other players being a swf when I always play solo. Even resorts to mum jokes smh. I learned how to play The Pig from this guy, but I came away thinking…'wow, imagine being this hateful?'. Brighten up dude.

  4. I mean i agree with u about that dead hard thing carrying survivors at loops, not trying to sound like an entitled killer main but it is pretty dumb, they run into me with DH then expect me to let them vault but i wait it out

  5. I play with a swf all the time and we try to hit saves but we NEVER try to intentionally bully the killer and if we ever get out of hand we’re always sure to give the killer some kills, these people are attention seeking and are actively going out of there way to be annoying…

  6. My mind gets bent by these players some days

    I need glasses for long distance sight so sometimes I'll miss a survivor in grass etc

    Then they are like ah yes he is walking away I'm now going to click and alert the killer to my location

    It's like they know I need glasses

  7. What would be fun is for red ranks they make match making similar to r6 ranked. Where the survivors can choose 2 perks you can't use and you can choose 2, perks they can't use. Would make MMR a lot more interesting

  8. had a group of survivors when I complained about this shit map and I said it needed to be reworked and they said "it already got reworked dumbass"

    Yeah…BHVR style which means they need to rework 5 more times before it's even slightly balanced…"dumbass." Holy shit that map sucks (also has a literal infinite because you can vault a window over and over again without starting chase and the killer never catches up).

  9. I call dead hard cringe hard because of how fucking hard they get carried by it…jeez man survs need to actually learn how to loop and be punished for making a fucking mistake. Also idk about yall but if you look tally up any exhaustion perks you see after a match…after a handful of matches dead hard is used 70% of the time out of all of the exhaustion perks. I wonder why…it's almost as if it's way fucking stronger and unbalanced. I personally have an idea in mind but to sum it up…make it better for dodging attacks and remove the "distance" bullshit. An easier change would just be remove the I frames. The fact that you get BOTH to me is already absurd… but really I think the perk was initially designed for dodging so the should make it do just that and nothing else.


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