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Dead by Daylight
I adore Singularity "Larry" the Robot. He's become one of my favorite killers. BUT he legitimately took me 40 matches before I started consistently performing with him. He's the hardest killer I've ever learned. I nearly gave up on him several times, but boy was he worth it in the end.
i'd say its specifically because of how his power works in that you cant just right click someone to mark AND teleport, you specifically need to place a camera, enter the camera, mark the survivor and then you can teleport to them, i think its this specifically that causes players to not pick him,because you have to be careful with how you use his power since if you just place yourself like behind shack while placing a camera then instead of getting a quick down he just sort of gets nothing, his power effectively works in the same way as the twins but with less immediate rewards that people dont like playing him, you have to stop yourself from hitting survivors immedietly and instead be forced to use your power to get real value in the form of shutting down chases relatively quickly or be forced to endure 2 pallet stuns at the very least
TL:DR hes just so exhausting to play since you need so much spatial awareness at all
I haven't seen the video yet. It has Low pick rate for 2 reasons.
1) inconsistent tracking if a sudvigohas 1 pixel hidden behind a leaf or branch
2) singularity is possibly the most macro management killer in the game and it's definetly only for the best players to use
As a console player I can say with full confidence that trying to tag people with thumsticks is absolutely infuriating, the slippery and impressive controls make it really hard to get a lock on people.
Nahhhh FarmerJohn. People just don't know that singularity is a op killer, and it may be too hard and not motivating for people to learn his mechanics. I literally just started playing Singularity because of Cocolatte, a youtuber who mains singularity. He plays him perfectly and made me want to also play him!
He's to hard to hard to maater, braindead easy to counter, ans get low value out if power
When I tried playing him he just seemed so mechanically demanding that I genuinely gave up playing him, only reason I'll touch him is to farm any challenges with him (daily/archive). It's too much for me to handle plus nausea from the camera
As a twins player I really wanted to like him but my aim on console is so garbage that I can't even get great comebacks like I can with twins even if I use my 2 brain cells to outsmart the survivors.
Ham is indeed better.
I've played him for about 10 games, and JUST learned you can teleport to a player without using the cameras (after you slipstream them)
How the hell is singularly and demogorgon so low when they are two of my 4 mains
The cameras, I always get lost for a fraction of a second every time I switch to one. Pinhead has this mechanic that makes he look at where his chain hit when getting out of power, maybe if Singularity had something similar (the cameras point at where I'm looking when switching to it, or they point at the nearest survivor so I can just worry about tracking instead of getting my bearings and then tracking) maybe his pickrate would increase. I'm sure I would increase my pickrate.
he is a lot of work for not much profit,
I wanna say as a console player seeing how smooth you were able to aim on mouse and keyboard makes me so jealous—the amount of times I've missed teleporting to a survivor, placing a good pod, or even just locking on to a surv in a biopod is waaaaaayyy too high
Skull Merchant does what this killer tries to do but better. They have very similar power ideas, from a lore standpoint. Both are meant to survey and then pounce upon their prey but Skull Merchant is executed better due to being favored by the artists n devs considering the amount of skins she has and the complex and nuanced character study that her lore is where as singularity is a very generic idea. If you read Singularity’s and Gabriel’s lore, you’ll realize very quickly that the writers spent so much more time building up that sci fi universe and using Gabriel to shed light on that universe, while Singularity was given as much character as one could possibly give to a robot in it’s situation.
With Skull Merchant, she’s just more fun and the way they reworked her shows that they really wanted the vibes that she has to really come across in game whereas Singularity feels very much like a generic afterthought that they knew would placate the masses for the anniversary. Their magnum opus is controversial and their copy and paste monster is loved and they know that. The less depth a character has, the more most people enjoy that character. Myers and Ghostface being prime examples. The less there is under the surface, the more it resonates with people. This is because most people are just… I’ll stop. I’ve made my point.
Damn filthy casuals don't want to put in the effort of playing the boy.
I hate singularity because of how easy he is to counter but how hard you have to think while you play
Keyboard and mouse. Try playing killers with controller. I assume that the pick rate is a ttl over all consoles.
The game is too generous with EMPs
Because he’s high risk low reward,