Cocky Nea Gets Karma After Messaging Me – Dead By Daylight

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I think the universe REALLY wanted this Nea to stop messaging people being petty after escaping LOL

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27 thoughts on “Cocky Nea Gets Karma After Messaging Me – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I really like the fact you don't make your videos longer than they have to be. very entertaining tbh. I just really dislike how dbd has such a weak player base. you all seem to get mad offended super quick and the other half seems to be complete psycho lmao

  2. That's funny. This is why you don't talk shit. She wanted to play stealthy on dead dawg and talk shit and teabag even though she didn't even see the killer until the end of the match. Pretty silly. I don't get why people have to go out of their way to trash talk the gamer. Just say gg and move on or just move on. Why is it always the ggez or baby killer LMAO i'm glad she got knocked down a couple of pegs and won't leave petty messages to other people.

  3. Hey spooknjukes! I had someone ban me from their chat on twitch because I said ggs after I "tunneled," I actually just found them on a gen and they expected me to just leave them alone after finding them


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