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In this video I provide you with some Singularity gameplay using his NEw COLD SNAP Cosmetic. I also equiped an insane chase build that gives Singularity crazy spee. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:
Want More Acurracy With Your Controller? ⬇
I always get asked the question “What are your Controller settings for DBD?” I use KontrolFreek attachments which aid with my accuracy in any game that I play. If you would like to give them a try, Links down below
Precision Rings (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks PS (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks Xbox (Amazon):
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Love your vids
Yooo These Cosmetics Are Firee Or Should I Say "Icy"
Love the New Cosmetic, looks like a Saw Trap ❤
Lmao Nea thought she could pull that corner BS
Oof, that kobe into DS into adrenaline!
Easily my least used killer.
Dang got some spirit camera action on Larry 🥵
ngl as a Singularity main the new skin doesn't really do much for me. Visuall kinda weak to me. i will need to see it in game myself but here It kinda…MEh
Kobe into DS into adrenaline. I can't even be mad 😂😂😂😂
Cool vid as always
Cool, how you're trying different killers. I gotta take a break from Chucky 😂
singularity is just so clunky and unfun
The background music just perfect
I was waiting for this yayyyyyy