Sadako is A-Tier, Here's Why: (Dead by Daylight Ringu Chapter)

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Sadako is the new killer in Dead by Daylight from the Ringu universe. Just how strong is DBD’s Onryo?

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42 thoughts on “Sadako is A-Tier, Here's Why: (Dead by Daylight Ringu Chapter)”

  1. What’s up dowsy I think I can speak for us all when I say, we appreciate ALL the content you put out on both channels.

    More importantly we appreciate you for simply being you, I’d like to thank you for your cheerful attitude and let you know it brings a smile to my face to see you joyful.

    You might not know it, hear it or even feel it sometimes, but trust me you’re making someone’s day a lot better somewhere. I know that to be true because that’s how your content has made me feel.

    Your existence alone is important and appreciated and I want it to be acknowledged as well.

    We’re thankful you made it another year!And sorry for the essay,😂 But I think it’s vital to let people know that they’re not taken for granted.💯
    I pray everything is well and stays that way and I pray you get a glimpsed how much of an impact you can truly make on people’s lives!
    Peace brother.

  2. The TV building up that status effect really bugs me. It's a great idea, but again, it just depends on the random chance that a survivor is nearby, not directly through an expression of skill or creativity of the player. Kinda makes it boring imo. I wish there was an element of control there, and clearly nerf it to compensate. Otherwise, deliberately going for that status effect seems really irritating and difficult because it's a gamble every time with guarantee of any positive effect. The phasing is also kind of underwhelming, I understand what it is, and how it's better and worse than the spirit's but it doesn't feel unique imo.

    Also it feels like that perk that gives survivors a huge spree of skill checks, I think, should be made basekit because it adds an element of fun and challenge to repairing gens (other than regular skill checks which can be completed with your eyes closed). Maybe at the last 10% skillchecks reign and a single miss will result in losing a bit of progressing or pausing it? I dunno, seems fun, but not useful at all for killers and the effect can't even really be felt. Some indication of how you appear to survivors would be great, too, it's irritating to not know when exactly you're phasing, so you can't really take advantage of it without just guessing constantly

  3. With the killer pov being so low, im pretty sure its the same for all killers, for example Nemesis on Azarovs should be able to see over the walls but can't because his pov in somewhere in his neck and not by his eyes, idk why this is but it kind of sucks.

  4. Her abilities doesn't feel new. Just a mix of freddy, spirit phasing. I would love a big bug and exploit fix update instead of more content. Cheaters are out of control atm.

  5. The issue I have with her, is that you can do extremely well in a match in the hit-and-run, but as soon as I started to chase survivors into strong areas there just was no catching a competent one, especially if they had Dead Hard. Her chase game is extremely unreliable and questionable outside of the hit-and-run playstyle so with that in mind I disagree about her being higher than even B tier. Her map presence is high, but her map pressure will be hindered if boons are up and survivors loop effectively and counter her TV projections.

  6. Idk how you can say she’s a tier with the hit and run play style with all the healing options survivors have right now, especially circle of healing. Maybe I’m just out of touch tho


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