CONDEMNED Onryo Makes Them Suffer (No Iri Tape) Dead By Daylight

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In this video I provide you with some Condemned Onryo gameplay without the Iri-Tape Add-on. I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching (:

Want More Acurracy With Your Controller? ⬇
I always get asked the question “What are your Controller settings for DBD?” I use KontrolFreek attachments which aid with my accuracy in any game that I play. If you would like to give them a try, Links down below

Precision Rings (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks PS (Amazon):
Performance Thumbsticks Xbox (Amazon):

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0:00 Match 1
6:39 Match 2
12:40 Match 3
24:05 Match 4


24 thoughts on “CONDEMNED Onryo Makes Them Suffer (No Iri Tape) Dead By Daylight”

  1. The only time I said something bad in end game was against the most try hard, tunneling Ghostface that I thought was on console and so wouldn't read the chat and me and my friends where going to town and he responded with "lol" and so we just quickly said gg and ran away because we felt bad hahahah

  2. Advice from an Onryo main: did you know that it’s possible to tell how much condemn a survivor has? Survivor with some condemn have a TV static effect around them and the more static they have around them them more condemn they actually have it’s difficult to see but its there, neat little fact isn’t it?


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