Counter The Upcoming Meta With This NEW PERK -Dead By Daylight

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In todays video we showcase one of the new perks in dead by daylights newest chapter, DND aka Dungeons and Dragons with the perk languid touch.
This build uses box logic cenobite with some nice crow perks to have a rather fun build.
This perk is really effective at making survivors exhausted so it will counter the new meta next patch when iron will gets buffed. This might be the best perk in dbd. If you are a good enough killer even the best generator build in dead by daylight wont work. If you have any other killer Ideas let me know! dont cheat yourself and leave a comment.

I play lots of dbd so if you enjoy pinhead content or just want to see more dbd content in general, feel free to leave a like and comment on the video! It helps a lot!

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22 thoughts on “Counter The Upcoming Meta With This NEW PERK -Dead By Daylight”

  1. So it exhausts them for 10 seconds, does that exhaust remain as long as they keep running right? So if you start chasing a survivor and your languid touch activates on the survivor you're chasing, they just straight up cannot use any exhaustion perks as long as they are running from you right?

  2. Always the 4man swf with the macmillian offering . Every single time. Also if there is a nea or nancy it's always them bringing you there 😂😂😂. Like dude let me get a ramdom map

  3. Spies is fun, the one minor thing I wish they’d change though is replacing the explosion sound effect with crow calls, it would be a lot more thematic and also slightly mechanically improve the perk by allowing you to differentiate between Spies noise notifications and other noise notifications.

  4. I was already using Languid Touch and Spies, since I know where they are, AND they can't use exhaustion perks when I get there? HUGE deal. Especially good for the new Iron Will since I can kinda pin point their location.

  5. I've been playing dead by daylight killer ever since I started playing the game once I started playing the game where I understood how toxic everything was this community is crazy both sides and the sad thing was I quit call of duty and other competitive games for something more chill so much for that good video BTW


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