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25 thoughts on “COUNTERPLAYING SPIRIT! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I actually enjoy Matches against Spirits way more than against Killer Like Wraith etc.
    He feels like a braindead robotic.
    It does'nt Matter If you outplay him.3 Seconds later He is on your Ass again.He feels very boring.
    Especially because 80% run this Aura Addon.
    And way more people play him after His Buff.
    All the Sweaty and salty Freddy Mains switched to him

  2. I find it funny every time Tru3 does one of these vids everyone always says the no true Scotsman fallacy "bad spirit" more often then not. Everyone else always plays those "godlike uncounterable spirits". I got almost 2k hours on this game and I've only faced one of those god tier spirits I knew I had no chance against twice. Ppl say she's easier to play than Nurse but I've played more good nurses than I have spirits….

  3. Ya bc dropping 4 pallets instantly including god pallet when she was no where near is definitely counterplay lmao u don't even try to play around the pallet and look how ur team suffers because they don't know that most of the pallets have been used… What a shame

  4. BHVR just get rid of the standing still mindgame already, and you don't need to change anything else. It's so braindead that even Otz got a 4k without using headphones by just standing still. I swear the balance team can't address most of the killers problems for shit.

  5. From 1:13 to 2:05 True used 4 pallets, one of which is the shack god pallet instantly. I generally agree with the points True makes, but Spirits is just not it. True basically made 1/4th of the map a dead zone for the entire team to avoid getting hit. If that team was proportional to true's pallet usage and used 1/4 of the pallets in under a minute during chases, Spirit could've removed every single pallet from the game in about 4 minutes. It's also worth noting that Ruin stayed up for 7 minutes, and it's probably pretty obvious that Spirit won through making the entire map a dead zone.

    I will put emphasis in the idea that looping is what keeps the game alive, and without it the game would be dead. You can't loop what you can see, but you can guess and make a 50/50. I think True mistakenly defines counterplay in this situation. You're not "playing" at all in the sense of looping a killer, you're taking a 50/50 guess, or "gamble". Spirit is more gambling than counterplay, and I believe gambling is an inherently flawed mechanic (Pig's RNG for example).

    Once again, Looping keeps the game alive. If I'm not looping, I'm not having fun. Spirit not giving players an actual chance to make loops is what caused so many people to DC before the penalty. True will sometimes make the point that not every killer has to be "weak" or "low-tier," but I feel like most people can agree that Spirit is not the type of design that anyone wants to play against.

  6. Oh yes. Going against a mediocre Spirit on one of the most survivor sided maps in the game while she's bugged and can't hear footsteps. Totally counterplay.

    Dude people aren't calling her overpowered. Get that through your skull. Please learn the difference between boring and overpowered. I've been a fan for 5 years but I can't stand you constantly mocking dissenting opinions.

    It doesn't matter if she's technically balanced. She isn't fun to play against because she doesn't have Chase counter play. Just spread out on generators and you will beat her but that's not fun. The best player should win in a chase. Killer or survivors shouldn't have an advantage in chase. The 1v1 should always come down to the best player while the 1v4 should favor The Killer.

    I value fun over crap like spirit. She's not fun to play against. Getting lucky with guesses because the Spirit player isn't that good isn't counterplay. Like how you don't judge deathslinger shots, he just misses.

    It's so obnoxious you constantly defend unfun things in this game because you're too focused on balanced and disregard the fun aspect. 99% of the community does not give a fuck about pips and doesn't see the game as competitive. They just want fun matches with or without their friends. Dead by daylight is a joke when it comes to being competitive. As long as maps have rng, it will never be competitive. I just want fun matches and spirit isn't fun

  7. The problem with giving spirit a sound notification when she phases is that she could just start phasing to trigger the notification then just cancel it to put the survivor out of position then just run up and hit them. I think a new animation when she starts phasing and for the duration of phase would be a much better idea


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