Cracked Cowshed but Luckily I am Nemesis – Dead by Daylight

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35 thoughts on “Cracked Cowshed but Luckily I am Nemesis – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I have a video on my clips channel (not this account) where I played against a Nemesis on Coal Tower. There were two sets of Double Pallets. One in the middle in the front of the tower and another set into the window of the tower on the left side <when facing from main building towards shack> I couldn't even try using them because he just didnt want to commit to such a strong set up.

  2. Honestly, these survivors were trash. The Feng was cutting her loops extremely wide. The Cheryl got slugged right next to a hooked survivor in killers shack. The Kate refused to drop pallets, and got downed for free. Thats why you won that map. Not because you are Nemesis. Even a Wraith can win survivors that refuse to drop pallets.

  3. I just got sent to cowshed as a wraith and it was also kinda cracked, the survivors on the other hand were not. i had Devour, Undying, PYWF and, Ruin. They got Undying as i got my first down around shack which i also got god pallet and a basement hook, after 3 stacks of Devour they got another totem but it was my ruin. at this point they had 3 gend themselves hard with my Devour next to the gen in cowshed. they all got moried and i got the achievement.

  4. Love nem. He gets so much value out of ruin it’s kind of stupid. run double zombie detection addons with double ruin and they’ll constantly pushing people off gens and regressing them. Plus he’s just cool and has probably the best chase music in the game.


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