Curb Your Visual Bug BHVR | Dead By Daylight

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35 thoughts on “Curb Your Visual Bug BHVR | Dead By Daylight”

  1. DeadByDaylight is like a dog. We love it, the family loves it. But once issues start to develop and occur too often, it's best to just put it down and save the struggle for everyone.
    The fact BHVR are charging us for content while the game functions like utter trash is just sad, especially when the game is $20. And idiots keep funding these clowns by buying their skins and shit, and they don't give anything back that's truly worth the money we've invested. All they do is make excuses, all the time

  2. There's so many layers to this recent patch and it's bugs, problems and fuck-ups. The fact that this went through the PTB AS WELL only compounds the fact that whoever is making these executive decisions and pushing out unwanted changes and buggy programming is a fucking prat who doesn't know the first thing about the game.

  3. This is typical sadly. Though they have been getting way more snarky and the "I am the best and my shit does not stink!" kind of attitude. Almo, Not_Queen are heavily guilty of that. But the others are guilty of it as well. Just those two are kind of over the top about it.

  4. I got merciless killer trying to get adept pig while I only got 1 pip(you need 2 pips to get adept).And when I actually got the achievement it said that I got ruthless killer."Visual bug" my ass lol


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