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DBD Hackers are becoming more and more of a problem. And while the pressure is on the devs to work with EAC to help make hacking harder to do, Im gonna be over here having a good ol’ time.


Stream Schedule:
🔦 https://www.twitch.tv/dyllonkg

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10am – 4pm cst


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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.

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20 thoughts on “DBD HACKER HELD ME HOSTAGE! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Behavior used to say use the proper channels and report them through their website. So Thats what i started to do. I sent about 8-10 reports of hackers with footage and everything required. I just tried to send one recently and they completely took away the ability to report hackers. I made a fuss about it on the forums and got banned by mods. I'm 100% convinced that they are endorsing hackers at this point or are in on the joke.

  2. Just because people who want to cheat can get around virtually any anti-cheat or even an ip ban doesn't mean BHVR shouldn't do better. They can at least make it more difficult, easy anti cheat is a joke. Furthermore, what other games can you think of where people will blatantly stream themselves cheating because they know the developer doesn't actually care. Maybe BHVR should spend a little more time fixing their broken game instead of milking their playerbase for more money with NFTs. What is the point of even playing the game anymore when there is an unacceptably high chance someone in my lobby will cheat?

  3. Genuine question for killer mains (and no, I’m not a hacker)- why is it so hard for a lot of you to just goof off and have fun in some matches? Like if the survivors want to fuck around and not take the match seriously, why be boring and use it as a chance to get an easy 4K? It’s a video game, why take it so seriously all the time?

  4. I literally just had a cheater today. Also ressing all the time and keeping the game hostage. Had such a shitty games before that too so I just didn't have the patience to wait and left the match.


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