DBD Twitter in a Nutshell

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DBD Twitter Is The Worst Place In The Dead by Daylight Community. Why?

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40 thoughts on “DBD Twitter in a Nutshell”

  1. I feel like Haddie mains need to be their own category in it self. For some reason most of the self proclaimed Haddie mains on twitter go on super schizo mode if the next cosmetic for Haddie has a backpack even though it fits her character considering she's a paranormal investigator and brings gear to help with it.

  2. Dbd should really have forced queues where people play both sides. That way they can understand just how stupid they sound with their us vs them mentality attacking the opposite side for simply playing the game.

  3. i like making (a lot of) art for knight since there is crumbs of content for him out there, despite his chapter being so hated its my favorite and i always share my love for him :>

  4. As a former Twitter user I agree that having a different opinion from the masses will make you a social pariah. DbD as a whole has gotten to the point where people don't play the game anymore, it plays them.

  5. My favorite thing i saw on twitter was
    "You main Leon, so your opinion is invalid. Just kidding, i shouldn't invalidate your opinion because you play a character. Wait, you're a dbd player, your opinion should be invalid."

  6. I absolutely hate the DbD community. I hate toxicity. The catch to this game is that you CANNOT have fun. They will not let you have fun. They will bully you into the ground, act like it's your fault, or get utterly destroyed and then cry about it on Twitter or some dumb shit. It's absolutely braindead how these players act, so much in fact that I make jokes about people who play DbD slowly get their brain cells killed off. It's better to just let the game die. Just don't play it, even if there's a nagging urge to. Just go enjoy your life while you still can.

  7. Dead By Daylight is NOT a "party game", bro, stop it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Its a casual game, but by definition, is NOT a party game.

    If yall dont want to play competitively, why do most of yall care about Nerfs and Buffs?
    Casual players of this "party game", shouldn't really be concerned with anything besides Quality of life changes. I mean, from this video, "casual" players, lol, dont care about the competition, only "having fun".

    Can someone explain why so many casual players actively call for nerfs and buffs, but dont play the game for anything but fun and effing around with friends?

    I know when i play a game causally, nerfs and buffs to a character i like is no consequence to me because I dont plan on playing competitively, but just to pass time.

    Yet, when i see others, they will cry out one side of their mouths about how they treat DBD as a casual game, yet will be in another comment section talking about how killers are too strong, lol.

    Its almost as if some of yall are full of crap.
    You want to win and play just as sweaty, but under the guise of playing casually with friends.

    If DBD was indeed just a "party game", why are their so many guides on how to defeat who, and guides to improve? I mean, it may have been a casual game at first, but not anymore.


  8. this is why I despise it when anyone argues with me that "oh dbd is a party game with a comp scene, just like smash"
    like lil bro smash pro players get paid thousands to play in tournaments, even if they aren't officiated
    what the hell does dbd have
    nothing lmao
    it sucks, you can BE a pro player in DBD but that doesn't mean that you ARE a pro player


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