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►Video Song: Haddonfield Horror by White Bat Audio
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring

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21 thoughts on “DDOS ATTACKS ARE BACK WOOOO | Dead by Daylight”

  1. This is actually embarrassing. There’s no other word for it. People will always be assholes. But this should be fixed and the blame is on the company. I’m not a streamer, but the fact this can happen is vile.

  2. This isn’t entirely accurate. If you play with crossplay on on other platforms IE ps5/Xbox/epic, they are still grabbing your ip in the lobby and ddos’ing everyone in game not just the streamer. There are streamers reporting being trolled by hackers and having the players in their lobby dc due to ddos and preventing them from playing.

  3. One thing I have noticed is that during my time playing killer, I have run into instances where my internet would be absolutely perfect (I recently bumped up my internet plan and my internet seems to run fantastic on my console since then) and a single survivor in a match would troll by instantly throwing the game and screwing their team without ever seeing me(the killer), and/or in general cause some issue or another, and 5 to 10 seconds after I would hook them, I would suddenly lose internet connection and my internet would randomly disconnect itself, despite being completely fine all day with no trouble at any other time. This has happened before, always absolutely coincidentally when someone is being severely rotten in a match or griefing, despite my internet being fine and never really having noticeable packet loss except for maybe %1 in that very moment because I would check it. I have no idea if it is related to DDOSing in any way, but it certainly feels wierd the sheer amount of times I would coincidentally get booted off the server or my internet entirely right after catching a troll and smacking them on the hook.

  4. BHVR should get rid of the DC penalty, at this point it does more harm than good. I'm tired of getting penalized for their server issues, it makes no sense.


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