Sadako Unleashed Total Domination! – Dead by Daylight

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Sometimes you just have to unleash the Sadako on the survivors population and let it wreck havoc and total domination!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Sadako Gameplay!
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26 thoughts on “Sadako Unleashed Total Domination! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The reason people keep running early is the Visual Terror radius indicator completely kills sadako. Maybe it's bugged, but it seems to show her lullaby from farther than it should, so everyone pre-runs now. I know they said they fixed it, or implied they did, but Sadako lost a LOT of her stealth potential because of it. Even if I'm all for the visual TR, it still needs tuning up.
    Spirit's phasing doesn't give a visual indicator, Victor's cries don't give a visual indicator, DREDGE'S RATTLES during nightfall don't give an indicator. But Sadako? Good luck!

  2. Some said something about throwing ppl onto hooks from the 3 point line. It made me think of Wesker XD If he throws you and you hit a hook it just insta hooks you XD op but hilarious

  3. 2:30 they really should get punished for doing stuff like that, ied have it so if you DC you lose the points as if you had lost the match and the killer gets them as if they had won also a 10% penalty for DCing and if you get flagged as a repeat DCer you get a bad sportsmanship mark that cuts your rewards in half.

    If you are DC because you are just having bad luck with your internet then take the hint and stop playing multiplayer games were you DCing can effect the rest of your team, I know it sucks ive been there but I also don’t want to force my crappy gaming experience onto others because I wouldn’t want others to do it to me, also if your having crappy internet it’s no fun for you as you end up running into walls for ages or rubber banding all over the place.

  4. I’ve had more salty messages and survivors DC and give up against a slugging condemned build on her. Jolt for the gen regression, knock out and sloppy to be annoying and slow them down, and STBFL for chase and quicker downs. People absolutely hate it.

  5. I tried FaceTheDarkness, SloppyButcher, Knockout & Surge on a Sadako Condemned build the other day.

    They stood absolutely no chance. It was fun getting to constantly TP around the map without having to hook everyone (as you know, maybe pick 1 person to hook).

  6. Sadako just has these 2 extremes
    docile hit and run that almost guarantees 2-3 escapes
    Sadistic slugger condemn that turns the game into a torture chamber with a bomb strapped to your soul


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