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== F.A.Q ==
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Hi you got me out of my depression thank you
Heisenberg would be perfect
I honestly hope Jay is right and there is the two survivors, but I hope at least Leon comes to dbd
Hentai tentacles xD
New Killer isnt gonna be resident evil that was just to throw us all off. It's gonna be Barry B Benson and the survivor is gonna be Patrick Warburton
Im waiting for daughters or mr x not nemesis
Prediction: I think they will do 4 survivors Leon, Claire, Chris, and Jill.
Then they'll do 3 killers in one like Jae said that being Mr.X, Nemesis, and Lady Dimitrescu.
They should make a Lady D skin for the plague
I think the killers will start out as a brawler and then have the ability to transform now having giant claws and being able to charge up their claw attack.
I think Nemesis can use his tentacles like gunslinger's ability.
Honestly it might not be re1 to re 6 cast cause they are notsurvivors like the others lol they fight and if they were in dbd they would take out all the killers lol, it just makes sense it it was a re village crossover
I'm only subbed cuz of the waifu
A killer who punches would be super boring. Idk why people want mr x.
Jaee stop playing with us, you already know who the killer is gonna be. Just tell us already

if they don’t release leon i’m going to be so sad
Spirit might get Vampire Daughter skin from RE 8. Both Female wielding melee weapon and has banish and re-appear abilities
As for the killer. i think Lady Dimitrescu is the best pick. she is near tall like Huntress, has music terror radios, has a Castle map. Attacks with melee claw and she probably gonna be called: The Countess or Mistress. While Nemesis and Mr.X lacks a lot of data to be playable compared to her
I hope they will add jill as survivor
i've watched and u r not on, FeelsDumbMan.
Hey jaee! i wanted to ask what your favorite resident evil game is? mine is definitely the first one specifically the remastered one but i’ve also played the first one on the ds and it’s surprisingly really good
Personal take, while I would love Mr.X or nemesis I feel like someone who would fit better is Jack baker, idk it just seems more appropriate and a better fit
I want Ethan and Lady D as killer
i’m hoping so bad that it’s Jill and Chris and Mr X or Nemi
YOU LIE! you arent live right now… : (
also the mansion would be SUCH a cool map that’s my hope that we get spencer mansion as the map
Thanks for always making great content stinky
Know what 360 the pleb like ochido bitch
I really want the witches tbh maybe she can teleport with the wasp things special attacks
Strange most of the time I spawn in sanctum Wrath… for killer and for survivor I spawn in mostly spring wood.. idk. I low key wish if you play three times in the same map it should move on to the next map.. just saying
4 survivors and 2 killers.
I'm betting on the black horse, Jack Baker! Survivors are going to be Jill and Leon?
i know that nemisis or tyrant would be incredible, but imagine lady d as a killer
I just want a lady d as a killer. A very tall killer like pleauge maybe. And her ability would be something about her claws and that ability would make the survivor bleed like legions ability.
Lulu's chicken fried steak was great.
Mr x or nemesis are so suitable for killers, they are just so iconic
Resident Evil killer needs to transform like Oni, into Tyrant with the huge claw hand. In this form he would get a dash and insta-down.
1:06 dead by overwatch?
I had a similar idea with the "same character, different silhouette" They could do the new Demitrescu daughters. I really hope they do the Tyrants though.
The Q&A really was encouraging and taught me a lot. Jaee you rock man

be sure to check out my WATCH PARTY tomorrow at 12pm EST!
My prediction is William Birkin as the killer and the power would be a mutate ability like changing form and becoming stronger. The survivors would be Leon and Claire, Oobviosly
2:41 the timing of that KEKW as if he was laughing at your theory lol
Great shit bro

I think it's gonna be Nemesis vs Claire and Ethan/Leon. Someone like Chris would be to strong lorewise to add in an as much as like Lady D, the devs clearly said they want something iconic. Even though she became famous quickly she is not close enough to be iconic. I think she could be a legendary skin for plague though.