Dead by Daylight: A Simple Proposal To Improve Map Variety (Without Hurting Balance)

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DBD has a lot of variety already- but there’s one simple thing that could be added that would greatly increase map variety, WITHOUT hurting balance!

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Dead by Daylight


41 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight: A Simple Proposal To Improve Map Variety (Without Hurting Balance)”

  1. Honestly I think they need to add in not only Time of day but Weather effects as well. Obviously I know audio balancing is important given veteran players can identify the sound it makes when Dweet adjusts his glasses, but honestly think about how it would look to be playing Dead Dawg during the rain, or Family Residence in winter. Don't even have to change the environment too much because 'Oh it just started raining/snowing' Hell, if they want to go even harder imagine what it would look like if the area surrounding the Pale Rose was on fire, or if Mother's Dwelling had Blood rain. Just thoughts.

  2. Yeah, I really wish they'd bring back the lighting offerings but improve them a bit/just build them into map RNG.

    Three different lighting types – Dawn, Dusk, Night. Although, the mix-matching lighting effects from the different maps would be great too. I'd love to play Dead Dog Saloon with the Swamp or Auto Haven lighting.

  3. THIS!!!!! i think an additional change that would be amazing would be making it so no person in a lobby can get the same map twice.
    example; killer got coal tower the previous match, that killers next match can not get coal tower
    one of the 4 survivors went to ormand their previous match, so they won’t be able to get ormand again
    this would all be true unless offerings were burned. this would also make it so no survivor or killer can ever get the same map twice in a row

  4. Was thinking about something like this a while ago, and how cool it would be to have the lighting change offerings come back in some capacity (especially since most of the map reworks/graphical updates have happened for maps). Having something like this would breath so much new life into the game and make it feel semi-fresh again.

    Having Mikey stare at me from the top of dead dog saloon in the dead of night feels like it would send a shiver down my spine.

  5. I think all maps should have their unqie lighting like they have now. but the lighting is dark and through the match but as the match goes on the lighting get brighter as the sun rises. we could also make it so that after a specific amount of time that the end game claspe would start. so this time could be any thing really but on the safe side I'd say like 20 minutes this would make it be cool so it is like more like the lore where as day arsies the game start to close. it would also make it so hackers couldn't hold games hostage but tbh that is a whole separate issue, and bhvr shouldn't add features to make hackers annoying, but actually stop them instead. anyways nice idea I love it.

  6. Would love an offering for a thunderstorm, visibility is low for both sides, it's hard to hear anything, and your character's clothes and hair finally get to show off their physics whipping around in the strong winds

  7. While this does sound like a great idea, I can't not be reminded of the bug some players had with Dead Dawg on the PTB: the map was pitch black for people playing on low graphics.

    Something tells me implementing this on live servers would not be as easy as you make it sound. Someone further down in the comments mentioned accessibility for visually impaired people being something that would need to be considered (yes, I remember how long it took BHVR to start taking visually impaired gamers into consideration, the Twitter outrage that made them start doing it, and why they were hesitant about it – but they're doing it now). There are likely other variables we don't know about.

    I'd like to be wrong about this though. Imagine if that's part of their upcoming big announcement 🙂

  8. I really love this idea. Get rid of the 10 different variants of Badham and just add one or two different lighting variants to the maps that already exist and it’ll feel a bit refreshing and new even though nothing has really changed

  9. Great idea with minor effort and lots of value into the game!
    Another interesting thing would be if the light changed while the game goes on…
    For example, it can start by day time and as survivors die it slowly gets darker into night, maybe add rain when there's only one survivor left.

  10. I want to understand what happen to creating actual realms, like how a realm has different variations to basically the same map, (i.e. macmillion estate has coal tower, Ironworks of misery, groaning storehouse, and two others.) I think modern maps like eyerie of crows or garden of joy would be less frustrating if they were part of a realm with some more variety. We like to go by wether a map is killer or survivor sided, well making the newer maps parts of a realm can serve to switch up that variety quite a bit I feel.

    Edit: I just thought of another reason. Making more realms can potentially allow the maps held within those realms be a bit more organized and allow for different killer abilities and player perks to shine, rather than one massive mess that tries to cater to all abilities in the game but does an unsatisfactory job of appealing to any of em.

  11. Evil Dead The Game has randomized weather and it's super cool. It's so much fun to get a map covered in snow or during a thunderstorm, and the update that brought content from the 2013 remake introduced the blood rain from the end of the remake which was super awesome.

  12. Awesome idea, the examples you have shown fit very well with all the maps, especially Dead Dawg Saloon, this map looks wonderful with different lighting. Hope the devs see this and maybe allow offering or randomize to have this effect

  13. There is nothing more I want than this right now, BHVR need to implement random lighting to all the realms to feel more unique. The ambient at 2:38 is absolute PHENOMENAL.
    Or just imagine a map like Ormond with Coldwind, Yamaoka or Red Forest lighting. (Or Autoheaven with Ormond lighting, need to see this)

  14. Honestly I would love this change. There wouldn't have to be offerings bc those were broken. Just add RNG lighting that has been tweaked to fit the maps. Like maybe Macmillan lighting would make RPD, Midwich or Garden of Pain unplayable so just don't make that an option or tweak it so it wouldn't make them too dark.


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