THIS MID-CHAPTER PATCH IS AMAZING! | Dead by Daylight (Spirit nerf, Trapper buff, add-on updates!)

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This upcoming mid-chapter patch is amazing! Huge props to BHVR for addressing so many balance issues at once! This is fantastic! Let’s discuss the 5.3.0 developer update in Dead by Daylight!
Read the Dev-Update yourself here
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34 thoughts on “THIS MID-CHAPTER PATCH IS AMAZING! | Dead by Daylight (Spirit nerf, Trapper buff, add-on updates!)”

  1. I know it's very pessimistic, but I can't wait to see how they mess this up
    This mid-chapter is going to be absolutely amazing, but you already know it's not going to be rolled out 100% smoothly
    I'm so excited though, Ghostface is finally getting his addons reworked!!!

  2. Welp. Time to drop sprit.
    FR though if they were gonna nerf her they could at least just nerf the parts that change only competitive play. Casual spirits are not as good as people want to believe.

  3. amazing? nerfing another top tier killer cus people dont know how to play against her. a notification to know when she is phasing is fine, but directional audio AND dust being kicked up LOL. she is a joke now. spirit doesnt read the survivors anymore, the survivors read her.

  4. Technically part 2 could be a legion change, but either way this update is sick, and thank you tat for being positive, i see alot of people being super negative saying the changes are survivor sided or killer sided. Love you're content

  5. Took them so long to finally listen. This update makes me happy. Especially the Tremendously-Slight update. Now I don’t have to go to the wiki for exact info. Huge W.

  6. I understand people hate spirit for what she is, but you are gonna miss playing vs the old spirit since the new one will not put up a fight and be easily beatable. Probably one of the worst killers to be

  7. I love this update, but I'm still so fucking sad we don't have Legion in the list of addon changes.
    BUT, someone on my stream said "that probably means they don't want to change any addons right now so they can rework Legion in another update", and that totally makes sense, right? RIGHT??????

    RIGHT???????????????????????????????????????????? PLEASE GIVE ME HOPE I'M BEGGING YOU

  8. I honestly think spirit is going to be the same strength maybe except the dust I think it might be a bit to much obviously you never want a killer to get gutted if this nerf of dust hurts spirit she’s going to be like billy but she might be the same still

  9. Thanks dbd you lost a another killer main…
    The game is already heavily one sided in the favor of survivors.
    you guys go and nerf my spirit…
    That’s the last straw
    Why not leave spirit alone devs?
    We get it most of you are survivor mains and hardly never play killer anyways.
    But are you kidding me!
    Any key changes devs? Nope
    A lot of the community that plays killer been trying to bring that to your attention.
    Heavily been survivor sided for the past few years now.
    Keep this up dead by daylight team
    I guarantee that you will lose a lot of veteran players from both sides
    Majority of killers are fed up with this dbd was intended to be a killer game with the killer feeling like he is in control of his match.
    The killer having a advantage over the survivors.
    For my veteran spirit mains that are going to continue on.
    Good luck hope you guys survive these dark times Killers are going through.
    No matter how many nerfs they try.
    Always remember
    that good will always triumph evil

  10. Well, spirit will probably not be played in comp no more after this. People will be able to pinpoint her exact location, I liked that they thing were you know when she's phasing but the rest was a bit too much


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