Dead By Daylight AMA Summary! | 3-Gen Fix, Twin Rework, Prestige Rewards, Mobile Skin Port & more!

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Dead By Daylight AMA Summary! | 3-Gen Fix, Twin Rework, Prestige Rewards, Mobile Skin Port & more!

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0:00 – Introduction

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33 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight AMA Summary! | 3-Gen Fix, Twin Rework, Prestige Rewards, Mobile Skin Port & more!”

  1. If survivors are scared of a 3 gen then maybe learn the maps and complete gens that could possibly become a 3 gen setup? Or just run Deja Vu? Theres already answers to the 3 gen issue built into the game already.

    Survivors already have mini-borrowed time as a basekit perk. If they want more, then they should give killers NOED or Mori base kit.

  2. I don't get it, if tunneling out a player from the start is considered a valid strat via the devs why is three-genning even being looked at? If a killer wants to stay on one side of a map to better enable a 3-gen situation to happen why isn't that a valid strat?

  3. hey thats me haha a big part of me feels that BHVR simply doesn't want to spend the development time on rewards that are going to be free and attainable for the few, but im glad they responded and im hopeful they'll at least consider special badges/banners as rewards!

  4. My problem with these AMAs they do is that we get the same responses to most questions every time. It's either "we can't discuss that right now" or "this isn't on our road map". The community has lots of extremely valid questions and concerns and they're never really addressed. It's concerning to hear that certain things will take years to possibly come to fruition, that's extremely bad for player retention which the game sorely needs right now. "It's not on our roadmap right now", well holy hell, what IS on your road map?? They trickle us information and honestly the physical road maps they give us have such little impactful changes on it for the whole year. It just feels like the devs don't have their priorities sorted out or they've lost their focus somewhere along the way.

  5. to fix 3 genning they can just do what IdV does, and make accelerated repair a thing. They would have to up the time of base gen completion though in order to offset the increased speed of them end game.

  6. They need to sort the pip system especially for survivor if its only gonna be for playtime and rewards on the 13th then they need to make it much easier to pip killer is alright the way it is but survivor is crazy sometimes youll do lots and escape and you safety pip or sometimes youll bang the gens out do a lil extra but escape and get the gens done fast then you escape at the gate and de pip

  7. i don't like the idea of a "solutions for 3-gens", because some killer who need this to really shine (hello Trappy) will fall further in the deep. And out of this killer who force the 3-gens, most of the times, end on a 3-gens come from surv who do all gens on the same side.

  8. 3gen scenarios can very easily be avoided, if only the survivors would open their eyes and used their damn brains. If you, at any time during the match, see 3 very close gens, do the one in the middle and split them up. So, a thing, that is entirely(!!) the survivors' fault, is now probably becoming a nerf for killers…good job, crybabies 😀

  9. First question: How is there no gen popping in this footage until 9mins in… My matches usually get rushed in 3 to 4 mins… Where do I find potatoes like this?

    Secondly… BHVR obviously has no idea how to balance a game, so… I don't have high hopes for the 3gen thing. They are literally taking away every single viable tactic for killers to win and nerfing regression perks in the process… Now… Go figure… Survival rate is still not going up. Survivors literally do NOT want to learn how to play the game. They just adapt to weaker killers and still give up when they get downed in the first minute… BHVR should stop holding their hands, so they can learn.

  10. That would be crazy if the solution is you can't kick the last three gens. Just change how generators spawn. The Swamp is notorious for two of its variants where half the map has nothing. Hell, I just found out there's another variant of Eyrie of Crows where there's nothing! for a good chunk of that map, that a Demo was able to defend five generators no issues and we played the game for 40 minutes.

  11. they should rework how DC's work, like it got kicked out of the game because of game crashes and internet dcs and i got quickly back into the game but i could not rejoin 🙁 thats very sad because i did not quit but other players maybe thoght so…. i think it should be like if the game is still ongoing if you reconnect you should join the game again where you left or had a dc

  12. "fixing" camping, "fixing" tunneling, and now "fixing" 3-gens and slugging… Do they just want killers to lose consistently? Survivors already have a ton of second chances at everything, between the 4% and the hatch, not to mention all the way they can still be saved between when they go down and when they actually reach the hook.

  13. 3 gen situation : make it so each generator remember how much they regressed. If a gen has regressed X times its amount required to repair, for each subsequent percent it loses, a X amount is cut off of it like a brand new part. If you have literally finished a gen 2-3 times and still regress i think there is a problem and that should fix it while keeping normal games untouched

  14. Im still confused about the fact that chucky still has no facial animations even after bug fix updates is it a bug for did they not give him facial animations? Its kinda annoying seeing him talk and his mouth doesnt open he just has a constent happy doll face

  15. The three gen solution is simple, as laid out by Otz. When there’s one gen left, the killer has a limited number of kicks before the gens stop regressing. That way they aren’t punished until the game starts to be held hostage

  16. I think Sadako is perfect the way she is. I never liked playing her in the past, but she is definitely one of my favorites to play now. As for three genning I don’t think there’s an issue. If survivors don’t spread the gens out, that’s on them. Don’t punish the killer. Yes there have been many games I’ve been in that I was with randoms and got three genned. I just did what I could and let myself die on hook bc I knew it was a lost cause. Onto the next game.


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