Dead by Daylight Animation | New & Upcoming Outfits Render

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Animations Rendered in Blender using Eevee.

These are all the new and upcoming outfits for Dead by Daylight.


45 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Animation | New & Upcoming Outfits Render”

  1. While Trickster getting his HOY outfit was inevitable, I still find it odd that they keep giving skins to him even though no one really plays him. At least Feng has an excuse since she's one if not THE most popular survivor. Trickster? I've faced like two since I got back (around Dredge's release) and he's already received his several skins and is getting one during the winter event REGARDLESS of vote because he's in BOTH FRICKIN VOTES.
    Almost like it's just easier to make skins for the cute guy, right?

    Also yes I know Legion kinda has that too, being normal people too, but at least people PLAY Legion and they have different animations (kinda lol)


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