While Trickster getting his HOY outfit was inevitable, I still find it odd that they keep giving skins to him even though no one really plays him. At least Feng has an excuse since she's one if not THE most popular survivor. Trickster? I've faced like two since I got back (around Dredge's release) and he's already received his several skins and is getting one during the winter event REGARDLESS of vote because he's in BOTH FRICKIN VOTES. Almost like it's just easier to make skins for the cute guy, right?
Also yes I know Legion kinda has that too, being normal people too, but at least people PLAY Legion and they have different animations (kinda lol)
We need stubble Leon
I can’t be the only person that thinks the new RE chapters cosmetics and graphics have been really disappointing.
Hell yeah! Sheva got remastered!
Wtf is this monster? 1:29 poor Jill
Can jiwoon pls take that shirt off 💔
Am I the only one losing my mind that we have Hunk !
While Trickster getting his HOY outfit was inevitable, I still find it odd that they keep giving skins to him even though no one really plays him. At least Feng has an excuse since she's one if not THE most popular survivor. Trickster? I've faced like two since I got back (around Dredge's release) and he's already received his several skins and is getting one during the winter event REGARDLESS of vote because he's in BOTH FRICKIN VOTES.
Almost like it's just easier to make skins for the cute guy, right?
Also yes I know Legion kinda has that too, being normal people too, but at least people PLAY Legion and they have different animations (kinda lol)
Pongan la skin de Ada de resident evil 6, desgraciados.
Bro, I thought trapper, wraith humming mama and spirit gonna have there DBD dating simulator outfits lol😂
Waiting for spirits and huntress new skin 😉
Aha! So it was Carlos who stole the pockets off of all women’s clothing!
I want a trapper skins from good and bad endings from hooked on you
yo you should make a hillbilly human version.
We need Ada’s Resident Evil 4 outfit added in!
Something weird with Carlos and Felix hands. I'm not a fan of re5 Sheva is great.
I like how because of the skins coming in, hooked on you is officially canon.
These outfits are fire 🔥
The new Menu theme is glorious
They look like this cheap porn games models
Hi, how you get models from game?
I bet you trapper mains are sad right now😂
The hooked on you killer skin could have been anyone else, why trickster
Play more Evolve itz BACKKKKKKKK
Bravo. Feng Min finally found a job as a S.T.A.R.S member. Her parents will be proud of her choice instead of playing video games😉.
Does anyone know the reason why Leon has a toothpick?
So happy to see Sheva again
Sheva is so beautiful, I'm so glad they added her 💜
Is it old Jill's model? Thought you were gonna showcase reworked Jill and Claire too
ada <3
I'm mad nemesis didn't get anything this update, was hoping for classic nemesis or even Mr X
Lol… Look at how small they make male upper arm on male survivors. Look at Carlos' lol
He could have put his heel on Ada. 😠
jill leon and wesker outfit instabuy
If we don't get Trapper in his diamond underwear I SWEAR –
Can I have a video of All Halloween Curse Skins?
0:00 Ada Wong
0:29 Carlos Oliveira
0:57 Felix as Chris Redfield
1:26 Feng as Jill Valentine
1:54 Jill Valentine (S.T.A.R.S uniform)
2:23 Leon Kennedy (Noir)
2:52 Sheva Alomar
3:20 Rebecca Chambers
3:49 Hunk (Legion)
4:17 Wesker (S.T.A.R.S uniform)
4:45 Dwight
5:14 Claudette
5:42 Trickster
I was saying I will be a Ada main but the. SHEVA looks so damn good
dafuck is this boring ass trickster skin
Oh so cool the Trickster's skin, lm gonna buy it when it just get released 💜
I knew Behavior couldn't leave us in a Carlos-less world
Me- Mom, can we get Jill Valentine?
Mom- No, we have Jill Valentine at home.
Jill Valentine at home 1:27 lol
feng doesnt deserve skins