Dead by Daylight, but I have to Play Who I Verse

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epic 50/50 player puffalope

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Outro song is Panthurr – woof β–Ί

I got the idea for this video from Brazillian DBD youtubers that have been doing this type of content for a while now, some of them are: @SouzaSoul , @Flyrie

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Thumbnail by β–Ί @applethauce

0:00 Intro
0:31 Game 1 (Survivor)
03:55 Game 2 (Huntress, Suffocation Pit)
11:03 Game 3 (Survivor)
16:12 Game 4 (Myers, Sanctum of Wrath)
24:36 Game 5 (Survivor)
30:52 Game 6 (Cenobite, Autohaven Wreckers)
37:18 Outro

Dead by Daylight, but I have to Play Who I Verse


Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical horror game featuring 4 survivors and 1 killer. Some of the best perks in the game include sprint burst, dead hard, balanced landing, exhaustion perks, decisive strike, unbreakable, object of obsession, adrenaline, iron will, pop goes the weasel, Hex:ruin, corrupt intervention. Some of the best builds in the game include the no mither build, the tryhard survivor build, the meta survivor build, the invincible survivor build, the vault speed build, the most toxic survivor build, the legacy survivor build, the object of obsession build, the aura build, the most efficient survivor build, the best survivor build, the best killer build, the genrushing build, new killer in dbd gets released all the time, wesker from resident evil is coming to dbd albert wesker that guy yeah along with new resident evil chapter in dbd good dbd youtubers to follow (besides me ofcourse) are otzdarva, ayrun, thejrm, naymeti they talk about survivor techs all the time every survivor tech in the game and maybe even shirtless survivors in dbd, i made a guide about every single survivor tech in dead by daylight recently you should check it out smile survivors techs are fun, i love the dumb tech, the cj tech, the ayrun tech and especially holing killers i love when killers get holed by jrm in his the dead by daylight experience videos but i hole em too so watch puffalope hes cool


28 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight, but I have to Play Who I Verse”

  1. I used to main survivor and now I play like 60/40 (more killer) and I used to think the game was super survivor or killer sided during different periods. Lately I've come to realize that it's just cope whenever I lose.

    I think you put it very simply; whoever brings the best stuff and wants to win the most, has the advantage. A scenario or trial can be in favor or either side depending on so many factors, but there's no way you can call the game killer/survivor sided as a whole.

  2. I'm not saying the game is killer or survivor sided but I don't think saying "yeah my teammates had brain damage this game and made every wrong play so it's not survivor sided" is the way lmao. I think if you want to win as killer, it is easier because you can bring the best shit and win (that game). However for survivor, if only you bring good shit and your teammates aren't good and bring awful perks, you'll most likely lose anyways.

    In the end, I don't think it matters either way. Go into the game, try your best. If you lose, you lose, at least you did what you could. Also might just be me but I'm not a fan of the music overlap, it's a bit too much going on. Might be better only to have the game music. Could be only my opinion though.

  3. Hey Puff, got around 900 hours and have every achievement except for one: taking one for the team. It requires you to take hits after unhooking. Got any tips for it? It feels like it just wants you to get unsafe unhooks

  4. Bro went truetalent mode in the huntress game πŸ˜‚
    "Definitely a swf", "this build sucks", "I don't even play huntress", "i know those survivors suck", "I'll take it(2k) as an absolute win", "ds, dh, resi, ub – lol, very original build" – βœ…
    Admitting that you played bad and survivors played better without getting salty about it- ❌


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