SABO NEEDS FIXING Dead by Daylight

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19 thoughts on “SABO NEEDS FIXING Dead by Daylight”

  1. Dbd the only game were people have this expectations of You should play the way I WANT YOU TO PLAY that's the " the correct way " as a killer u have to please ME , make the game "FUN FOR ME " 😒🙄,

    this " correct way" is basically what the majority Aka [ survivors ] want becuz they have this idea of " the killer is here for my entertainment , if im having bad game it must be on the killer not me , why is this game not fun ? 🤨 Let me open that end game chat and remind the killer i wasn't having " fun game " 🙄 .
    The killer was literally 2 hours to get a lobby of 4 people TO KILLA you all , he wasn't there waiting the lobby preparing for " your fun " as objective 😒 .

  2. Do you do anything but complain about survivors? "Oh my games arent super easy! Dead Hard, Object, Decisive need nerfs!" – BHVR nerfs them and tries to move the meta to hook saboing after making it so hooks respawn. SABOING TOO OP! NERF IT

    3:49: "Busted. Literal no counter." – Bro you see someone with a toolbox, running in the direction of the hook you want to use and dont think it'll be sabo'd? Common sense is to hook the opposite way they ran off.

    4:40: "Sabo speed is problematic. It's way too fast." – So survivors should have to predict where you intend on hooking someone? Like you already move faster.

    10:11: "Its so unbalanced this game" – Meanwhile you made a billion mistakes and killers are currently the strongest they've ever been with a plethora of aura reading perks, gen slowdown, anti-looping abilities.

    10:49: "No mind game loops into god pallet, and we still win." – You dont say? It's almost as if these things arent as overpowered as you make them out to be.

  3. Not related but was thinking of a build

    Option 1
    Thrill of the hunt , penti , blood fav and ruin.

    Blood favor is to force them to half to cleanse the totems and waste time do to thrill

    This would help chase if your a m1 killer or a killer in general even if the blood favor is popped they will still have ruin to deal with causing more time to be wasted again while give you more pentimento

    More of a time waste build ^ but to be fair it does have some rmg 2 it which can screw you but on the other side the time being wasted breaking totems keeps them off the gen and reduced the gen progress by 25%

    The other option is u swap blood favor for undying which gives u a extra chance

    But vice versa my guild has 2 options that favor you regardless ruin pops still have blood favor , or the opposite and time will be wasted by what 12-18 seconds then another 8-10 seconds after first totem cleansed ? Which saved almost close to 2/4 of a gen time.

    I think the build has more positive then negatives the only counter r u pre drop pallets and just rmg

  4. It’s a shame how survivor mains can call killers toxic for slugging and not progressing the game but running a sabo buiud isn’t?🤣 and I’m a survivor main lol

  5. The DBD forum is a place I go for a laughs at the amount of delusion. Comments like
    "Don't give them any ideas. They are always nerfing survivor because it's never easy enough for killer."
    "The real question is what haven't they nerfed on survivor?"
    "Typical DBD with its shadow nerfs on poor survivors"

    And that is why I haven't played in 2 years, but I fancied a laugh so checked out 2 posts, and saw so much delusion and just lies frankly.

  6. I've never seen survivors make such ridiculous comments in a comment section before. "You should've brought this really shitty situational perk if you wanted to counter this." As if you know how the survivors are gonna play in the lobby. Ridiculous argument, lol


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