Dead by Daylight Chapter 19 Teaser thoughts and theories!

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#MrGimms #Chapter19 #DBD

Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner living in England, streaming a variety of different games. Most known for playing Dead by Daylight!

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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.


29 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Chapter 19 Teaser thoughts and theories!”

  1. NO! Rewinding time is broken asf. If we get a Killer that can rewind time, then you know survivors will complain until they get a perk that does it too. There's no way that BHVR will roll this back and come up with a whole new power…this will break the game into a billion pieces. I hope this is an oversight like the Legion trailer way back when.

  2. Let's hope this isn't another Legion, where the trailer has absolutely nothing to do with what was actually released, though a killer that can rewind time and assets on a map? Eh, if Identity V could do it successfully then I have confidence in the devs.

  3. Ive seen people talk about uninstalling if its a trans character. Thats every bit as cringy to me as the sjws that try saying Sleepaway Camp is "problematic". Why do people care about that so much? If youre going to uninstall the game do it because of the enormous amount of bugs in the game for petes sake. Something that actually effects you

  4. If that's not a beard it might be a shadow? Idk. I agree its a really good idea with the time rewinding but my fear is that they will make it op hopefully not. I'm suprised they didnt delay the PTB with the mess they created with 4.5 update🤦🏾‍♀️ great video btw!:')

  5. Great video! Personal thoughts on some of the new chapter teasers.

    -"mightee one"/m1 -> m1 focused killer?
    -1st image coffee, 2nd image mermaid/aquatic scales -> will this chapter involve hot/cold or fire/water?

    Just a few ideas. I feel everyone else's ideas seem more realistic. But havent seen much regarding these aspects.

  6. I personally have theory that this is not a teaser of a new survivor, but a new killer even before she started killing. Maybe she was a robot created by the company whose name is on the coffee mug and DBD's Twitter banner. She was supposed to be a singer robot, but as a result of a software error, she started killing. Or, on the other hand, she was a human, not a robot, but wanted to become famous, and this company offered her a job. As a result of this collaboration, part of her body became robotic to make her the perfect piece of art (the perfect singer). Something went wrong, and as a revenge, she started killing.

  7. rewinding time. you know I've always thought about a killer with an AOE power. I say this because imagine if you will it rewinds object progress that aren't being worked on.

  8. Here's what I think about this so far, If they are doing a Lgbt Chapter, I'd be fine with it. If it makes some people happy, then thats ok. But I just hope they don't shovel it down our throats. I want a chapter that sweeps me off my feet and amazes me, This so far isn't appealing to me, but I'm not against the whole idea if that makes any sense.

  9. for the survivor I think they are going to be a Korean social media influencer (and the leaks said that this is going to be an LGBTQ plus character) and for killer I believe it’s going to be some sort of music theme killer like he was in a rock band I guess 🤷‍♀️

  10. I imagine it would work like pyramid head. They would put a trail on the ground and if a survivor steps on it the killer will be able to fast forward, rewind, pause, or slow down the survivor. This power could be called “Trailblazer.”

    And as cool as that sounds, I feel in practice it will be very underwhelming, assuming this is how the power will work. Which isn’t really a good thing for them to release if they want people to come back to this game.


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