1V1 ME BRO Dead by Daylight

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1V1 ME BRO Dead by Daylight

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19 thoughts on “1V1 ME BRO Dead by Daylight”

  1. Windows of opportunity just makes chasing a complete breeze against m1 killers, such a sad that that one suvivor threw your game by just being selfish since that should have been an easy 4 man escape.

  2. shes bad but will think shes good bc she got the escape. which will lead to never improving and thats what bhvr wants. make these bad players think theyre good so they can buy more skins. she literally has the new bunny feng skin… you cant make this shit up 🙄

  3. these people are in games like World of Warcraft as well

    18 years that game has had the same meta, And they still don't all do it…
    So seeing people too " win " a match without needing to put in any effort, tactics or gamesense is predictable

  4. Literally Myers would have gotten the 2 of you… I dont understand how its the Fengs fault at the end there, he had the tier 3 ready would have just downed the 2 of you and tunneled the guy on hook.

  5. I one vs oned you once, and you rage quit leaving your swf team to rot, and die on coldwind.
    I know you remember, because you rarely get bent over that hard.

    Of course I would never dare expect more from the pathetic criminal terrorists that are EU controlling this game. No surprises of course. None of you can win without hacks, and cheating. Just like your pathetic fake league.

  6. Tru3, I understand what you're saying, but this is how devs get their "kill stats". A killer like this Myers performed very bad, but got 2 kills (on 2 hooks) because you tried to save the Steve, so devs can justify nerfs just by this kind of matches. I get that its very easy to win as survivor, specially against killers like this one who performed bad, but it's also easy for the killer to start a snowball that can give him more kills and potentially a 3/4k. When the killer is hard camping the only hook he got at end game, just leave and let him have his only kill, I only stay on the match only if the one on hook is on 1st phase and can have the 4%, if he does, then I could try to help him, otherwise if he doesnt 4%, just leave.


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