Why Won't BHVR Nerf GEN RUSH? | Dead by Daylight

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23 thoughts on “Why Won't BHVR Nerf GEN RUSH? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I would imagine they don’t touch gens speed perks because they don’t see anything wrong with them I assume. But the devs think Sadako is a strong killer and she hasn’t received a change since her release. That should tell you a lot

  2. The answer is simple. The player base will always default to the most efficient way of winning, and any nerfs to gen times is an instant buff to camping, tunneling, and slugging. BHVR has made it clear that they are fine with camping and tunneling so they know they can't touch gen rush to compensate. So BHVR is left with the choice of leaving the gen rush meta as is or completely removing camping and tunneling and then adjusting gen timings to compensate for the nerfs to killer playstyles. It's basically the hooks vs. kills debate. Gen rush = get 4 kills as quick as possible, or nerf gen times and change the killer gameplay so they need to always have double digit hooks every game.

  3. My guess on why the devs don't touch gen-speed perks is that people are already saying games take forever (which they are silently trying to adress by effectively removing gen-slowdown perks) so (indirectly) slowing down gen-speed by nerfing methods of repairing faster will just make that complaint even worse.

    Survivor mains make up the vast majority of the playerbase and making life more difficult for them is always a risky move. This update honestly came pretty close to just ruining the game for newcomers/casuals (and even then, with no regression perks, inexperienced Killers will just get destroyed and either play Survivor or just leave entirely) and it's no wonder they rolled back a bunch of changes but kept regression perks effectively dead.

    People can't complain that games are long if either the Killer kills everybody in a couple minutes or Survivors manage to evade him long enough to do every gens in less than 7 minutes.

  4. prove thyself at least wont likely ever see a nerf because it's more efficient for survivors to stay on separate gens than it is to group up to get value from the perk

  5. I think the reason bhvr doesn’t touch the gen perks is pretty simple

    1. They know causals / new players aren’t good at looping so the only thing they can do is do gens but doing gens isn’t fun and engaging enough so they allow them to rush the gens faster, so they don’t get tired of the game and because as humans we all have egos and constantly winning or making someone feel pressure is exhilarating. For example have u Ever one a game and celebrated ? Stopping one side or simply winning is a amazing feeling

    2. Bhvr seems to try and balance around bad players which I understand but isn’t smart , there trying to push it where u can be someone like otz and no matter what u get only 1-2 k kills when the survivor r dog water , that way the surviors can feel good about themselves and want to play more

    3. Screw gens rn bigger question is why is maps like ormond , mothers dwelling , errie of crow
    Why r they so big ? Clearly killers half to basically camp and tunnel on these maps or just hold a 3-4 gen because the distance to the gens is 2 far and the maps aren’t healthy for the game I think there still in the game to help medium and low level survivors have a higher chance at winning seeing as the win percent for killer is 63% even though it doesn’t show the bigger picture of how they got that win.

    4. Due to bhvr ignorance I think they don’t understand why killers r camping and tunneling , so to try and counter this they give survivors stuff to quickly escape the game to try and prevent these game problems.

    But that’s just my opinion I’m open to having my opinion changed if anyone wants to try

  6. Killers dont want fast healing. Dont want a geneush meta, and killers want easy chases which is why dh is getting nerfs and i already see complaints from them on lithe and sprintburst, killers just want a game where they can camp tunnel and get free wins, 90% of my matchs and its just killing motivation to play

  7. I just find it silly because Overbrine Eruption was nerfed because drykicking a gen is the most brainless and boring thing you can do as a killer. Nerfs were completely deserved imo (even if, likely, the Overbrine nerfs were a bandaid fix so Skull Merchant and Knight couldn’t 60 min games but hey.. good change regardless). The most brainless and boring thing you can do as a survivor is hold M1 on a gen yet we don’t nerf the perks that encourage this? Especially when all the remaining good regression perks bar Jolt are getting nerfed this patch, and Pop and Ruin died a horrible death it’s like.. ok? It’s not like these perks are necessary game mechanics like old DS or fun to use like old Iron Will or Adrenaline, they’re boring for everyone. DH and Circle were absolutely vile but at least they were fun for the survivors using them.

  8. Gen slowdown was pretty oppressive, even with a gen speed build, but I figure it's the player numbers. More survivors are running a variety of perks, so a full gen rush build wont be in 100% of your games. Also, a lot of survivors are bad at looping. I get stuck on too many new tiles and trying to run them correctly is something I can't do in many situations.

    Edit: I will also add that every time I have run gen rush, I go in with no toolbox. I ALWAYS get tunneled out right away. There is no way for the killer to know I have the perks, and more than half the time, I'm chased right off the bat.

  9. With the state of the game and how killers camp and tunnel every match.. doing gens while someone is getting chased is the only way to play. Anything else is wasting time lol. If someone is getting tunneled out , half the team needs to be on a gen or it’s almost an automatic loss. If a killer is wasting time chasing a good looper all game, no wonder why the gens went fast 😂. With slow down perks , aura reading perks , and a combination of tunneling/camping.. it’s not surprising for survivors to bring toolboxes, prove thyself, etc. going into a match you never know what kind of killer playstyle your gonna get so you go in automatically preparing to find gens and do them .. minus the ppl that join just to troll or meme 🥲. Until camping and tunneling is a punishable “strategy”.. I don’t see a prob with gen rushing atp

  10. To anwser your question.

    Camping/tunnelling: if the gens go to slow then killers are likely going to camp more and tunnel its a given.

    Casuals/Less Skilled players: this is what they kater to, if it takes to long the casuals and the less skilled are scared of and add in point A that i gave before they lose players.

    Out of touch with the Community: this is the biggest problem they look to much into their statistics, and the have allot of ignorant monkeys calling the shot.

    They never exspected this game to be a hit: this one is the most they never exspected this game to blow up like this, so when this happened they dont know what to do or what to do and it took them long to adjust their design philosophy to it.

    Here are my anwsers and opinion maybe not the best butbetter i cant give.

    My idea would be stop adding gen repair speed and gen regress perks to the game, and add more gen blocking perks and anti tunnel perks especially anti tunnel perks that reward killers for not tunnelling or camping.
    Thats the best solution i can come up with.

  11. Nerf the perks that makes the 90 seconds of brain dead to go faster? Why I play survivor 95% of the time and let me tell you After 6 years working on gens is the worst and still still most boring thing about this game. My objective is to hold a button and press another button periodically. If you want to "nerf" gen rushing make another objective for survivors to actually do…

    Maybe there's a battery or parts you need to get out of a chest or find in a locker or something to put inside the gen before you can start working on it..

    Maybe there's a keycard that spawns you need to go and pick up in to open the gates. There needs to be other things to do or maybe multiple steps. This is also one of the reasons bully squads exist because survivor gameplay is boring as shit that's why content creators cut gen gameplay out unless it's a value video for a perk that revolves around repairing or blast mine or something.

  12. Prove Thyself has been touched in the past. I also don't think Prove Thyself is that big of a deal in most games. It does become more relevant later in the game, but there are advantages to finding survivors that are grouped up on the same generator.

    That said, I still think there just needs to be general speed caps on how fast certain things can be done in the game, such as increasing gen progression or regression rates. This incentivizes people to not run heavily focused build types and can instead open up the ability to use different perks. This is already something other games use (such as Smite).


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