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#DBD #EpicGames

Article by Game Tyrant:


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About Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.




  1. So according to rough amateur math 2Mill divided across 6 platforms, Mobile, Switch, Xbox, PS, PC, & Stadia is 333K. So if it was even across all 6 it would be each but that's wrong because PC isn't even 40K so either Xbox & PS have an incredibly high player base or they're lying about 2 Mill average.

  2. Why should we respect the games developer's when they don't respect us we should make the devs wish they never made this game lets "encourage" the devs to leave the internet id rather have dbd die than give these scum a career in the gameing industry

  3. Ace is from Argentina, but he's of Italian decent. I think that's why people might see that as weird. Stats wise though, I get it. The problem is BHVR doesn't seem to be listening all that much to the player base as a whole. Yeah they put out a survey and stuff, but that could be for any number of reasons. Maybe they really are concerned with our thoughts. Maybe they just have to do that as part of regulatory laws in Canada. Maybe they did it as a way to implement something they already have planned and if it fails they can just blame the player base because "that's what they said they wanted". I just keep getting Blizzard vibes from them is all. I sunk my money into Blizz for 17 years and stopped when the news got out. I'm not going to support another company that's moving in the same direction.

  4. Don't believe all my friends and content creators that have dropped the game, and the completely unrelated recent surge in log-in rewards, store sales, and blood hunts. Yea I'll take the Steam charts over whoever's ass they pulled these numbers from.

  5. Just to give some further information. Dead by Daylight on both the xbox store and gamepass, continues to be shown in the most popular games being played. Even beating games like gta,, Rainbow6 and Sea of Thieves some weeks.

    That indicates a strong playerbase on xbox too as sea of thieves released stats of players playing in the millions a little while ago and seeing DBD above them (some weeks) is impressive.

  6. I've been using trapper with pain res and dead man's switch. Easy 4ks but when i change to non meta perks I get ran over 💀. BHVR needs to take a season to rework perks, gens, and objectives. Maybe even work on a new game mode. If you're not Otzdarva or another insane youtuber you won't be getting wins consistently with non meta builds 😔

  7. According to Choy's interview with a person who sells dbd hacks one person acquired at least 3k accounts on EGS to sell hacked DBD accounts. These stats are worthless. The game currently is not rewarding at all to gain more players to stay.

  8. It's easy to say how awesome something was doing when it was free. The real question is how many of that 100k stuck around? Or better yet, how many of that 100k was legitimate accounts. Since last time I checked, hackers were grabbing 3-4k free accounts with bots. These stats are about as worthless as it gets.

    Don't get me wrong either, I don't want DBD to die. I've played this frustration simulator since the closed beta test. I just don't want it to succeed either at this point because the devs have become self-important knobs and I'm personally sick of it. I want them to get competition from these upcoming games like Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Midnight Ghost Hunt. I want someone to come out and eat their lunch, since as we all know, companies don't try to innovate unless their market share is threatened. This genre needs shaking up, the monopoly that DBD has on horror licenses is going to make that hella hard though.

    And for god's sake, they REALLY need to stop acting like they're an indie company. Indie companies don't have 100 employees working on a single DLC. Indie companies don't usually have 100 employees total.

  9. Steam chart achievements show a great deal of player loss – but also players that never really played. Almost half of steam players have never leveled a character up past level 10.

    We also have to consider the burden of cost when it comes to what platform the game is played on. Even though you don’t need a secondary internet “pass” on PC – I’d say PC is overall a much bigger cost burden as a platform to play on. That being said – I know in my circle there are people who stopped PC gaming altogether and just got a console to game on due to the absolute infestation of cheaters nowadays – on all PC games.

  10. That 2 mil daily log in was on the third consecutive month of lows for dbd.
    Its 4 months later still declining hard.
    Conservative estimate its down to 1.6, and thats being generous since we all know how hard the last years worth of patches have hit consoles performance wise.

  11. Thanks for the video, Gimms!! It's been slow for DbD last weeks, no big news apart from the legion, ghostface rework (which is fantastic). I hope as we come closer to the anniversary more exiting things happen because, as I said, it's been quite uninteresting. Cheers from Chile!! 😀

  12. I’m not suprised by these numbers, every match i play at least 2 survivors has the Globe icon and Can write in the endgame chat, and I’m pretty sure console are bigger than pc. I’ve had this conversation many times with people who screams the game is dying, but they won’t listen to anything all they keep screaming is sTeAmCaRtS

  13. I remember reading this article. It is indeed interesting to hear but do not forget that it’s only 100K for the first week on Epic. What about retention overall? Hate flogging a dead horse but without any real-time numbers like the Steam Charts I still 100% believe what is showing on one platform will show on another, to greater or lesser degrees. In the end I hope these numbers don’t inflate BHVR ego thinking they are the best when the game-state of late is just terrible. Time as with all things will tell.

  14. I love how the names of the Latin characters don't sound like names around here at all, they sound like Americans of Latino descent, who only keep the last name.(Except Carmina Mora, Carmina is a name for an older lady, maybe a cleaning lady that the developers knew had that name.)

  15. List of changes I would love to see that could help get players playing longer and stay longer.

    – rework how boon works, when killer destroys your boom you can’t relight it or when relighting it, it takes longer to boon totems and it stacks up to 4 times.

    – reduce blood points needed to level up characters to max. Allowing killers and survivors get their perks and focus more on the fun part.

    – introduce more events and game modes

    – UI communication to help survivors see what others are doing

    – have some perks show others like example, Deliverance.

    – look at weaker killers add on and rework them.

    – give bonus blood points for players playing roles that are needed so matches can be made quicker.

    – give more blood points plz

    – when reports go through let players know it was looked at and if further actions are taken.

    – fix how MMR are awarded, have killer hooking give more then kills, kills should be multiplied on top of the sum. This would avoid many tunneling moments or campy moments. For survivors award chases and saves, finishing gens while being gens should be multiplied and doing gens should be side. Escape should not be the main focus. This would help and encourage survivors to do more risky fun experimental things.

    – nerf and buff perks occasionally to balance out the playing field and keep things fresh.

    – look into some maps that are not fair and make it fair for both parties.

    – ask for more feedback thanks


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