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Songs in the video:
0:24 – After Dinner Lounge 1 – Magnus Ringblom
2:28 – Barnyard Rumble – Håkan Eriksson
6:50 – Clowns at Loose – Mac Taboel
0:24 – The Waitress – Mac Taboel
2:28 – Catching Barney – Mike Franklyn
6:50 – Clowns at Loose – Mac Taboel
Hi ❤
pretty good bruh so far
5:31 bros intrusive thought won and got bonked in the head
I feel sorry for Matthew, his team don't spend time to fix their game, they even can't nerf pig
0:45 Freddy Kruger does the slap of god
1:49 Also another reason I don't like trappers
2:54 How'd he do that O_O
My video is in the end of this video. Thank you 😄
How Developer said: "I think we did a pretty good job so far".
Also his thoughts: "I think… I'm touching myself tonight 😜"
Should probaly submit some of mine lol
2:18 This is my clip and just wanted to say thank you so much for putting it in the video!
I was super excited it was in the video that I ran to my brothers room and accidentally scared him awake to show him I was in there. He realized I wasn’t bullshiting and was actually surprised at it too lol.
1:46 – I'm 麝香大貓, not 恐怖布丁 Q_Q
Thank you for choosing my video 😀
doesn't matter if you're second or third, the electric chair will take anybody whenever
I think you did a pretty good so far!
This is not dbd funny moments…. This was dbd glitch moments :u
Man DBD is still such a mess xD.
4:44 – What's the original of this sound?
Bro the clip of them watching the movie is the best thing I’ve ever seen! 😭😂
3:12 golden egg goes brrr
0:59 finally my Clip thank you OchiDO❤
Ochido can i pls be in a vídeo? I submited some clips like 8 or something
I've said it before, and after a video like this, I'll say it again. BHVR really should be ashamed of themselves.
0:28 Streamer said in russian "and what if he has NOED, blyat'?"… and killer really has NOED
At 0:33 is funny because it sound like squidward scream from tal_on.
hey guys this is Dead by Daylight Funny Random Moments 384, enjoy and dont forget to subscribe!! and watch the ads selfish b@stards
We are having some small "technical difficulties" noting too worry about. lmao OK.
0:34 Thank you ochido for uploading my video. I'm your fan.
5:32 I really like when killer and survivor do the same fun together instead of playing tryhard
شكرا لك لقطتي موجوده الدقيقه 6:12
I like how throughout all that gibberish you can clearly make out we've done a pretty good job so far.
0:26 "What if he has noed blya-"
he indeed had noed.
Dead by Daylight Cringe Random Moments
Top Video 🤩👍
1:57 😃👋
7:03 😬👋
7:40 🫢
I can finally say “THERE I AM GARY THERE I AM!!!!”
Does mobile count?
Why is it that whenever I appear in these videos, it's just whenever I play like an idiot…
The last minutes of the video can be titled as "Dead by bug" or "Bugged by daylight"
Always watch these only to be disappointed every time. None are funny anymore. Not Ochidos fault though. Older dbd was wayy funnier