What build do you use? I used to be a ghostface main on ps4 but gave him up on pc, and is there any recommendations to get better like this?? Thanks in advance
Soo not a single clip from the killers perspective huh? Who's to say that you did not just grab a collection of Ghostface jump scares from other players games and pretended that it was all from you?
Man I enjoyed every minute of this. I appreciate the music and sounds you add to the clips, you made me jump a couple of times. That RPD drop was awesome!
Fear and joy all mixed together in this video 😂❤️
This is the kind of fear I hope to inspire playing ghostface lol. Best killer by far
The last clip was godlike mindgame.
I didn't actually see you at the last second. You actually scared me half to death. 😂 This Ghostface is next level stealthy. GG qt.
Thank you so much for making these videos man. They make my days better. ❤️
Bro some of the people were so load and I got spooked😂😂
omg I love ur vidios
This dude plays like the cannon ghostface. What a legend 😢
Lol 2:26
Supremelefty- screams bc of jumpscare.
2 sec later
Mikaela- goes down (Screams the same scream)
Lol nice vid would love to see more ❤
2:25 sounds just like the kates scream xD
Ooga booga booga !
God dammit scared every fucking time😂😂😂😂😂😂
What build do you use? I used to be a ghostface main on ps4 but gave him up on pc, and is there any recommendations to get better like this?? Thanks in advance
Heeeeees back!!!!!! Let's gooo its eyesabuv hope all is well
Omg 😲 I loved ❤😅😅
Dude you deserve more views your videos are amazing
Just pure awesomeness 👏
The poor streamers that have to play against you
quality dbd content
He's back!
Teach us your ways
Soo not a single clip from the killers perspective huh? Who's to say that you did not just grab a collection of Ghostface jump scares from other players games and pretended that it was all from you?
Got to know what build do you run to scare the shit out of everyone😂
that was a crazy game, you scared ssoup so bad XD
I remember this happening and it still scares me lmfao great work
facing your ghostface is one of the many ways to get heart attack inducing nightmare with the hope of to survive is unknown
He’s back!
Heartbeat monitor reveals all stealth killers now.
Proving this, just like everything else is fraud.
There are no stealth killers anymore, heartbeat reveals them. STOP FUCKING LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU PIGS
Love your videos
Your the best ghost face
Man I enjoyed every minute of this. I appreciate the music and sounds you add to the clips, you made me jump a couple of times. That RPD drop was awesome!
how do you even get into their lobbies 💀
It’s shambles when Atx is around 😂
Love the scares dude, keep up the great work.
As the Ghost Face main myself, I so damn wish to see the fail-jumpscares moments 😂
He is officially the scariest Ghostface
BRUHHH you are so good at what you do!!! Seriously you make dbd so fun fr, my man and I love watching you so much! keep it up sending all the love!!
I've never seen the Scream movies, all I know is the voice on the phone is Mojo Jojo
02:22 Man WTF is this 😂 perfect hit I like it 😄👍