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Today, I will be discussing my opinions on The Nurse since her release and where she stands in current day Dead by Daylight. Spoiler, I hate her.
wanted to add the full Apex Clip at the end because good god are the bots bad on that game.
They cant nerf nurse, because then people will have a stranger argument that DBD is a pay to win game.
Nurse will stay powerful. Because shes BHVRs way of saying its not pay to win. Shes a scapegoat and was used by one of the devs in the forums that dbd isnt pay to win
The difference between a good and a bad nurse is, that the good nurse kills everyone with 4 or 5 gens left, while the bad nurse does so with 3 or 2 gens left
I love how people talk about losing or not losing chase to Nurse and how unfair she is, let me tell you something.
Yes she is funtamentally breaking game mechanics as they are, but there were always one rule that applied to Nurse and later Blight (not sure about Billy cuz his map pressure is insane), it doesn't matter how fast you are downed, but where you are downed, I mean if you are downed in middle of the map vs Nurse,… well you did a mistake to give her an opportunity. She has not great map pressure if you are playing smart (ofc soloQ exists, I play solo only too) but… the game vs Nurse is not a primary game to last as much as possible, but to play smart againts here with different niances of skill expression on both sides. Personally I don't mind her now the starstruck Nurse is gone and when she load up with the Game map or Midwitch… well atleast those games gonna be quick, compare to some other more miserable killers to play againts. (Huntress with broken hitboxes, Xenomorph with no real option to counterplay (turrets are weak af) etc. we can talk about this whole day, but in the end, I rather prefer quick go next lose to Nurse and making one overcomplexed sweaty player happy than dealing with 20+ mins game with some other stuff and still lose.
All this video is someone whinging for 13 minutes, stfu
The problem is that even Nurse, playing seriously and sweaty and unrestricted, loses to the same type of SWF. In tournaments, Survivors have to be limited much harder than Killers, which includes Nurse.
The problem is that the entire game is fucked. We can delete Nurse, sure, whatever. But now who checks the unrestricted comp SWF's that are roaming around top MMR pub games?
(I know people are gonna talk about how they play Pig and get 4k every game blindfolded, but we're just going to ignore those people and try to have a real conversation here, eh?)
L take
Awakened Awareness is the biggest victim of nurse
heres a better idea, stop whining and crying over whats "unfair" for you and just get better at the game
but you suck at nurse, so how can anyone take your opinion seriously
I think she is fine, very high skill needed to play her
cope is real on this one high mmr survivors know how to counter nurse and make you work for your downs. while i agree she is the strongest by a wide margin, she needs to remain the strongest to help negate the pay to win aspect of dbd leaving the most broken as a free killer. and im no expert but the gameplay im watching is 110% NOT high mmr (plus its in chaos shuffle, everyone isn't running meta perks which happens very often in high mmr)
Edit: you even admit you have very few matches as nurse, keeping you at a lower mmr. not one of the survivors you claim as "knowing what they are doing" are using any anti nurse movement.
and what would you recommend reworking her power into? if you have no ideas then please do not complain, complaining without an idea to change it is the definition of whining.
They need her to have to reload blinks like Huntress does hatchets, but maybe at a separate place than lockers. Also this fountain like area for reloading could also be sabotaged or used by the survivors. This makes her gameplay more interesting. Maybe survivors get a new method to stun the killer, brief invisibility, or maybe even short blinks.
nurse,no voice chat and dumb randoms are the three absolute bottlecaps of the game
I would remove the second blink and increase the range of the first one, that's about it. She would still ignore the loops, but the mindgames against her would be more efficient
make her lose 2 charges when blinking through obstacles and unable to blink through obstacles with only 1 charge
When I get swf after swf I love to throw on nurse and curb stomp teams for awhile. It only seems fair. She’s the 4 BNP swf of killers.
Everytime i encounter a good nurse, i dont get a "i just like playinf her feel", more of a "dont come to the fog tomorrow" feel
People who say “make it so that nurse only has 1 blink” don’t realize they’re not solving the issues. If anything they’re making it so that the only nurse players in the game are the top tier nurse mains. Nurse’s power should be reworked, but that doesn’t mean add or remove blinks. I’m a nurse main and even I think nurse needs a rework to change up the overall killer meta. She’s enjoyed being leagues beyond blight and spirit for way too long. She doesn’t need to move from S tier or have more handicaps, she just needs a power rework. It genuinely baffles me that people are okay with nurse existing but throw a riot when Dracula can perform a hug tech on loops
Just going to leave this here: Yes, I agree with most of your arguments. Especially the fact that Nurse has been the Queen of DBD, I think it’s time for a new #1. However, you can’t just rework Nurse without addressing these core killer issues first.
The first core issue is Map RNG is one of the main contributors to the huge difference in scale between high tiers and low tiers, there will either be 20 insane pallets or 4 trash pallets. The second core issue is Hooks not being rewarding; as a killer you don’t get anything for the 1st and 2nd hooks, only on the 3rd. This encourages Slugging as it’s more effective than Hooking for building pressure, this is also backed up by the fact that BHVR is actively nerfing perks that reward hooking (Pain Res, Pop, and DMS as examples). The final core issue is SWF, DBD was NOT built around survivors having so much important information at their disposal. This is especially evident when you compare a 4 man swf to a solo queue team, the performance is Day and Night.
As much as you want to believe getting rid of Nurse will “fix a lot of the problems” some of these problems existed well before Nurse was even in the game and persist 8 years later.
Now this comment that took 10 minutes to write will be drowned out. Cya!
Buff nurse nerf trapper
They should nerf every good killer yes that makes sense
Playing nurse feels less like playing killer normally, and more like playing killer with noclip and legal wall hacks if you count aura reading.
So let's say they rework Nurse where does it end Billy is #1 let's rework him, Blight is too strong let's rework him. Someone has to be #1
Personally I'm fine with a killer that breaks the rules and is very strong like Nurse, but in my mind she still needs a big rework or change because her greatest offense is that she FEELS FUCKING AWFUL TO PLAY
If Nurse weren't the best character in the game I think next to no one would play her because she just feels so blatantly terrible. Nobody enjoys having to look at a 10,000% vignette angle of the ground for 70% of the match.
womp womp
I think I heard from someone that the devs considered nurse to be a mistake.