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45 thoughts on “LEGION NERF IS COMING! (PREDICTION) Dead by Daylight”

  1. I really hope Bhvr just… Doesn't screw it up? It took so long to get positive change (any change really) to Legion and personally, I'm really happy with it. It would be total BS if they nerf back to a point where his builds are more limited or he's just bad

  2. 100%.

    They don't rework Killers for Killers, they rework them for the Twitch highlight reels and youtube compilations. As soon as they actually become viable they make them useless again. It's easy to just reverse numbers as a dev when you don't know anything about your product or job.

  3. Meanwhile, there are killers that can travel across the map within seconds.
    I always prevented myself from playing S Tier killer unless there are daily rituals involving them. You can imagine how comfortable it is where I can zoom across the map to defend gens that I can never do playing other killer.

  4. Killers can't get a chance of being good on this game now they made him viable and of course survivors cry and devs listen and I play both killer and survivor but there is no in between for killers and btw I'm sick of seeing Nurse and Blight like 90% when I play this game lol.

  5. Hey a killer has a chance for once Let's Nerf it! it's awesome when survivors can gen rush ur ass in 5min even tho i play mainly survivor but they need to buff killers more

  6. Hopefully Otz's video will help keep this from happening.

    I was originally very mixed on him making a video on how to counter buffed Legion, but after realizing and him explaining that it was an attempt at sustaining Legion's buff, I stand by it fully.

  7. 1 add-on is a pink/red and the whole build can be countered by not dropping a pallet on the Frenzying Legion and dropping pallets early outside of Frenzy to avoid spirit fury as Normal. Is it really worth nerfing? O.o

  8. If they nerf Legion I see them doing more than just what you are saying sadly. Also there is always a outcry on every killer, and every change that seems like a buff or side grade to killers… So that is not a hard one to predict lol.

  9. Funny they would nerf him he has 0 anti loop and only excells on small maps. Even then a good swf can spread out and use all the pallets in the map with him having nothing against that

  10. My favorite is reading the steam discussions and just seeing all the extremely delusional posts and comments from salty survivors. Someone even said Legion's m1 is a chainsaw now lol. Then you have people saying NOED is a 2nd chance perk, but survivors have none. It's just so ridiculous.

  11. Honestly I think legion basekit or the yellow add-on will be nerfed somehow. They care more about nerfing killers and keeping survivors happy than fixing real balance issues such as dead hard and more

  12. i'm fine with them nerfing the mixtapes…. not gonna use them anyways lol… the only good addons are the durration addons anyway (basicly just as before) but he does not need any nerf to begin with. he is certainly not OP and not suddently a A Rank killer… he might be keystone now. And the increase in movement speed and the buff to the duration Addon actually makes his power more consistent which is good. You are more likly to get 2 injures now consistently even against teams who properly spread out… so your power is not a huge time waste anymore.

  13. It's funny because I made this exact same build… It's the only no regression perk build that I actually like, and I thought this would get nerfed forcing me on regression builds again! If there's something new that involves breaking loops easier or helps killing survivors faster (wink wink finger addon nerf on a E tier killer), they won't like it and it will get nerfed.

  14. This nerf needs to happen. With feral, legion gets a free health state without doing any work. The fact that legions can go into frenzy whenever they want, (paired w thanatophobia) makes solo q games a total bore and no gens ever get done. The nerf needs to limit the use of feral frenzy to an extent like Oni, Myers, etc. cuz nothing gets done with frenzy spams

  15. I am so sick of seeing streamers like aaryun probbzz sweh and even otz lower than MMR to face lower level players !!!! This channel is one of the most authentic channels where gameplay isn’t deceiving!


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