Dead By Daylight Hacker Completes Every Generator In Under A Minute…

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Dead By Daylight Hacker Completes Every Generator In Under A Minute
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43 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight Hacker Completes Every Generator In Under A Minute…”

  1. I still have no idea how this is considered fun by some people. There’s no challenge in hacking. No way to improve your craft or get better. You’re at the top, but at what cost? There is no longer a worthy opponent to fight.

  2. Hacks like this are just confusing. Why bother playing then? The survivors depipped for sure, challenges aren't completed, and overall you're just not playing the game. You're spending money to not play. All just to make one person not enjoy the game they're playing. Pretty lame

  3. Just get better? 🙂

    But for real lmao man was going for a world record and also wtf was the point of hacking insta generators? Like if I was hacking I would so some INFINITE fire works of something funny or interesting. This dude just like "aight I'ma insta do gens?" Seems boring but not my hacks ._. and at least he didn't game hostage

  4. What’s really mind boggling is most other survivors will know they have a hacker in their game and don’t even let themselves die to give the killer some points, they just happily escape and continue to preach about hackers

  5. i think your just unlucky i've been playing on dbd for a long while and have not once ran into a hacker as killer or survivor, i'm not saying dbd is perfect but i think hackers are more rare than "1 every hour"

  6. Turjay why dont you make a video Montage of all this and send it to behavior someone has to do something dude this is ridiculous and unfair the game is already heavily survivor sided last thing we need is hackers you gotta do something man doing youtube uploads doesnt do anything go directly to the source the goddamn devs need to smarten the F up and get this goddamn sorry excuse for a game fixed and more balanced and implement some sort of anti cheat system and for anyone who says it cant be done ah rockstar has done it for gta 5 and 4 so it is very possible so jay make a montage and send it all to behavior along side all the community complaints and every hacker video cheers man this is absolutely sad and disgraceful i cant stand cote and the entire goddamn dev team they suck and they arent for the players at all something needs to happen and fast this is getting outta hand iv gone against hackers alot and im already emotional and suffer with depression i look to games as an escape but this fn game makes it worse its not right and alot of us want to enjoy this game but cant you gotta do something or someone has to even truetalent complains daily about these issues and much more alot of us do but noone seems to reach out to the devs so maybe you gotta try that send video evidence and everything you got happy new year bro 🎉🥃🍻


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