VERY LONG MYERS CHASE! – Dead by Daylight!

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11 thoughts on “VERY LONG MYERS CHASE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru3 kinda irrelevant but I saw that some of the witchunters attacked you for being anti vax on your stream. And guess what, now their streamer is suffering from the consequences of the vax.
    I hope he recovers regardless.

  2. I like how most reactions towards "nerf the swf's" is, "put a display indicator so that killers know when they verse a swf", and the response is "but if killers knew this, most, if not all killers would dodge swf lobbies".

    And I am just thinking to myself…. If the majority of the playerbase will willingly dodge lobbies with swf's, then that definitely tells you there is something fundamentally wrong with it… So wrong that the majority of the killer playerbase will not take part of it.

    And they are upset that one guy(?) says they need to discuss this blaring issue??? Geez man.

  3. I strongly feel like people don’t like Tru3 because he speaks a lot of facts about this game and people don’t like the truth so yeah I agree with you on swf, it’s too much lol.

  4. Hey Tru3, keep it going. As someone coming from game design background, you are 100% right on nearly every aspect of the game. The problem is, devs also know that Pre-Game Matchmaking is an outside factor and an unfixable one on a game that's asymmetrical. So either they have to remove the SWF completely or let it stay. An alternative patch would be simply to prioritise gen defense as main objective and create blueprint mechanics that would "force" killer to push off gen and get the value, hence diminishing the free information buff that swf gets. People forget that there are no win or lose scenario in asymmetrical games. There's only competition among killers-killers and survivors to survivors based on scores. This is how we find balance on asymmetrical game. Scores over conditional game states.

  5. #IstandwithTru3 c’mon guys. This guy showed newbies that Wraith wasn’t top 2 worst killer, he predicted the increase of “shady tactics” by killers when they took away Ruin+Undying. It’s like the DBD community fears Truth. But then again, I guess that’s an obvious conclusion for anyone who has looked at the DBD forums 🤣


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