Dead by Daylight HOT TAKES!

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*clap* *clap-clap-clap* *clap

Special Thanks to the following creators for helping me make this!

Osuchin Riberu (Cowboy Expert): @OsuchinRiberu | |

Skihnneh (Trapper Main): @Skihnneh | |

HeartlessFiend (Trapper Main):




33 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight HOT TAKES!”

  1. They should remove almost all add-on & make 90% of the add-ons for all killers base kit because most Killers have useless items that nobody ever really uses and it would just be nice to have it inherently and honestly this should be a prerequisite for an entire rework of the add-on system for killers to have one add-on but it changes how the killer can play with in the match similar to scratch mirror Myers which place completely differently from normal Michael Myers

    I would love an iridescent Ghostface add-on called cloak or something where he's in permanent stealth but he can't stalk any more. It what also be very cool if survivors can share inventory for add-ons and items so even when you start a new survivor you're not just completely cocked with no items to start out and if you ever want to switch survivors you don't need to worry about what the Survivor has unlocked awning will just be more new play friendly to everyone

  2. Very amusing takes this time around!
    But i kinda agree with the Infinite deathslinger range guy. Infinite range would be useful ONLY for the first hit, as the chain breaking does damage survivors…but also would be a psycological test. Imagine the mental agony you feel when you spawn in, sit on a gen and get hit by two well placed orbital strikes from Huntress. If they can hit THAT shot, you already know you stand no chance. Same with infinite range slinger! If he can hit your ass from the peak of Dead Dawg's while your on Ormand, you just give up at that point, its over, you may win the trial but that man won the war

  3. Proximity chat is an idea I've wanted for DBD for so long. The proximity would go as far as 12-16m, allowing communication for not only survivors (would help vigorously in solo queue) but you could hear killer as well! Imagine looping the killer and they just yell "Get yer ass back here!" or a creeping Ghostface/Wraith just close and say "…I can smell you." That would be comedy gold!

    A little edit. Didn't expect my hot take to be here. Not saying that Blight is simply better then Nurse, however I do think the overall simplicity of Blight as well as his complications make him better in terms of gameplay.

  4. My hot take: NOED should only allow one instadown, especially because people use it in oppressive ways by slugging and trying to get everyone. Oh and it discourages other survivors to save people on hook or being slugged
    Edit: I could possibly be fine with two, or make it timed and not totem based

  5. Ok let me cook with hag being fun:

    When you play hag properly and don’t just spam traps at hook, it feels like playing 5d chess. Making a good web and planning ahead in chase and are some of the most satisfying things in the game. Hag isn’t like most of the other “use power at loop and then immediately leave” type of killer. Unlike someone like knight or skully where you are doomed to take damage at some point, hag has a lot of fun mind games in chase. You can bait out teleports similar to dredge remnants and actually succeeding is very satisfying.

    Camping with Hag is mad cringe tho

  6. Nah, Friends till the End is easily one of the best perks, purely because of the information it provides, I don’t run it because of the exposure part, I run it because it shows me where to go to next, the exposure effect is just an added bonus

  7. furtive chase is one of the most powerful perks in combo with friends til the end. I use a whole obsession swap build on myers and almost never not 4k, his obsession stalk add on is legitimately a top 5 add on in the game

  8. If I had to choose between lore-accurate Nemesis ending matches before they begin and his little cousin Tim we currently have, I'll choose the former m̶o̶s̶t̶l̶y̶ b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ s̶c̶r̶e̶w̶ M̶i̶k̶a̶e̶l̶a̶ .

    I'm so glad you used that clip btw 😂

  9. Nemesis was adapted horribly into DbD as not only is it the idiot RE3make Nemesis instead of the chad intelligent OG Nemesis, but he also has none of his badass weapons such as the rocket launcher or flamethrower. RE3make did to Nemesis what MK11 did to Shao Kahn.

  10. I should be able to make blue scratch marks, or blue auras.
    explaining myself: V
    The game is *still* very unfriendly to people who are colorblind and the colorblind settings they did implement are the worst versions they could've done. giving me the ability to apply a filter over everything is not helping it just makes the game look weird. it's a fucking colorblindness simulator for people who don't have it. if they wanted to make colorblind mode good they would give players the ability to change the colors of features of gameplay that are *ment* to show off information (auras, scratch marks, U.I. notification bubbles). that would be the sickness.


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