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In a recent tweet, BHVR announced that they would be changing 39 perks in Dead by Daylight. A lot of these are very powerful (Dead Hard, NOED, Borrowed Time) and this is going to shake the meta up quite a bit. But what does DBD plan to do with all 39 perks? Let’s talk about it…
My Twitch page will always be meta, baby:
Okay the thing with knockout being buffed like that is fucking slug builds for killer. I hate being slugged across the map from everyone at five fucking gens by a sweaty Deathslinger who then leaves everyone to bleed out. How is that fun? Tell me. How is it fucking fun? Its not I hope to god it’s a nerf because fuck that. It would’ve been faster if I dced when I realized he was slugging everyone. Fuck. Slug builds.
Dead hard needs to be something entirely different because they will just dash to the pallet not changing anything
I am scared hearing this perk list because holy shit gen rushing is a pain even with the slowdown meta and nerfing the slowdown meta is sure to make gen rushing that much more prevalent since there's nothing stopping it. That said, the survivor nerfs are much needed even if some of the big meta perks are being left alone. I honestly fear for how bad gen rushing might get, I know I'm a noob killer, but gen rushing is a pain no matter what level someone is at and I don't think anybody wants to see it get worse to any degree.
Looking forward to it but also nervous! Hope they continue to tweak both ends of the super weak and super strong for balance. Makes sense
Oh boy, the anti-tunnel perks are getting reworked. Can't wait 😐
For Corrupt, I got a weird idea where the farthest gens are blocked until someone gets a certain percentage on a gen, like 60/65/70.
Edit: of course I thought this, I’m a killer main
As I have said in the comment section of somewhere else, here is my words behind DS
In my eyes, the problem isn’t that DS is too strong. It’s the fact it works independently of what’s going on. The only thing that stops it is from the survivor either doing literally anything productive, or 60 seconds pass. A Killer can do extremely good, kill an entire team and leave 1 person away, but that 1 person could STILL have DS, and they get punished for tunneling.
In my opinion, it should get a rework:
-Upon being unhooked, Decisive Strike is active.
-If you take a blow that would send you into the Dying state, but Decisive Strike is active, it will heal you back to the Injured state after a small window of time, give you the damage speed boost, then permanently deactivate itself for the rest of the round. It essentially acts as an extra healthstate. This way, no killer can slug you on the ground to wait out DS and you can finally walk outta that dang locker. In fact you probably should, because you will not trigger it when being grabbed.
-It will deactivate prematurely if you touch a totem, heal yourself, or touch a hooked teammate. You can do a gen or heal others, and it will still remain active. This sounds too powerful and OP, due to the lack of a time limit and the ability to actually help the team, until you realize…
-If someone else gets downed while it is active, it will deactivate prematurely from that. Since the killer had gone for someone else, they are no longer tunneling you and thus the need for this perk is no more.
-it ALSO deactivates upon you becoming the last survivor alive. But that need not mention that killing the final survivor is not tunneling them, as 3 others had fallen before.
-The final thing to note is that a Survivor undergoing DS will lose collision with the killer during its duration. Not only would this prevent a DS’d survivor from just simply being a wall for every killer but Myers, but it would also let you escape bodyblocking killers. Sure it COULD be used against the DS Survivor as a “Oh wait, this dude is a problem, time to come back later”, but know it will also help them with escaping formerly-impossible situations like Bubba’s Basement. Since it triggers upon being downed, that ALSO means it works for 1-hits such as Non-Speed-Limited Chainsaws, Exposed, or Iridescent-Headed Hatchets. Or Deep Wound, if you’re stupid enough to let that fell you somehow.
On paper, this would make it so that a DS-using survivor is much safer to escape the killer, but the moment they are tunneled no more, they are up for grabs and probably injured to boot. Slugging them out of DS is out of the question, but know it is also much less harmful to killers who know how to bonk someone else twice.
I'm absolutely terrified of this patch. Every single decent regression perk is on the list (and Ruin), but gen speeds are getting nothing but a buff with Overzealous. So we're getting a nerf to slowdown, a buff to healing, gen speeds and Sabo while having absolutely nothing to stop gens in the meantime. I'm tempted to say that this patch will make me a survivor main, but there won't be any killers left to play against. It's definitely looking like one of the biggest disasters in dbd history, as much as I'd like this to be good it just seems impossible
Js If they are aiming to reduce slow down perks, than they better reduce gen speeds too
Some perks don't need Nothing os simple fine like saboteur or spine chill but they doesnt chance prove thenself
I like this video food, good job
I think many/most of these are gearing up to be more rework-ish than buffs/nerfs.
I feel excited and also worried about these changes. These slow down changes might make tons of killers leave the game. At the same time I feel like it’s needed changes.
Why would they nerf ANY of the Killer perks? Right now 1 good Survivor can carry 3 terrible Survivors while an ok Killer can't get even 1 hook or a better than ok can get 1-2 Kills MAXIMUM…Survivors have a much better chance of winning than Killers but I only play Killer cuz I want to feel powerful in my powerless IRL life… So why nerf Killers at all?!
Also yes I'm Xbox player getting bullied everyday by PC survivors every 6/10 matches
If they make iron will not make your character shut up then I'm quitting bc I hate hearing the cry/whine
Look, I love your vids but I never play Survivor so idk most of these perks so you just listing them off without a visual or without explaining what they do confuses me
For eruption i think its a buff. Nobody uses it because it sucks
What if Dead Hard would become a token perk? Like unhooking or taking a protective hit so that you're rewarded with Dead Hard.
I personally think Tenacity will be buffed.
The problem with the whole slowdown meta is that they keep releasing perks for survivors to do gens even quicker. If they balanced gens or worked them over there would be no need for slowdown.
I feel like some of these reworks, especially those that don't make a lot of sense, could be connected to a major gameplay change that we just don't know of yet which would make some of these perks completely different without changing the actual perk too much
You forgot Windows of Opportunity, I see this 1-2 times a game and its insanely strong being able to know which pallets are still up and which have been used by teammates. You can pretty much turn your brain off play super safe when using it especially combined with Dead Hard and Spine Chill.
I hope a lot of the change ideas that you have don't go through
Killer instinct should never be taken from a killer.
I have a change to monstrous shrine.
after hooking each survivor at least once, monstrous shrine activates.
while this perk is active, whenever you hook a survivor, the entity transports the survivor to a random available hook in the basement. while a survivor is hooked in the basement, the killer cannot enter the basement, and survivors can enter the basement, but cannot leave the basement until after all survivors in the basement are unhooked. if the killer is within 10 meters of the basement when the a survivor is unhooked from the basement, all survivors in the basement gain the endurance status effect for 15 seconds upon leaving the basement, and the killer will not be able to see their scratch marks for 10 seconds. while a survivor is hooked in the basement, the killer may not enter it by any means (no teleporting in with nurse, no entering basement lockers with the dredge, and no entering with a basement portal with demo).
if the survivor is hooked directly to the basement, the effects of this perk do not apply.
rewards hooking everyone, is unique and interesting, and has a way to properly avoid camping.
let me know what you think about my reworked monstrous shrine!
exhaustion should be base kit for survivors
I think these reworks is coming from a survivor main in BHVR dev group who got rekt in Red ranks and vowed revenge
Hope Dead hard gets I-frames removed, the dash is already pretty good as it is. The perk literally allows you to dodge both auto attacks & powers, like rushing through a Trappers trap on the godpallets of Midwitch (the ones at the end of the stairs), what is the trapper supposed to do?