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Dead By Daylight often gets a bad reputation for having a toxic community but the more I play, the more wholesome people I meet. A lot of the community is actually pretty nice and willing to have a laugh and share a joke either each other. I think higher MMR has less toxicity
#dbd #shorts #deadbydaylightsurvivor
The Bad People just stand out more and you remember them more but that is in everygame or Part of life
I always swore that you see far more good people than bad people. Nice to see someone else having that experience for once
I think a big part is also what server you are playing on. I'm german and play on a european server and i barely get tunnelers or camper and my teammates are 95% of the time helpful
I feel like there's more serious players on xbox rather than pc at least from my experience
It gets really toxic when you’re in a higher matchmaking position. At least for me, as a high rank killer I always end up facing toxic sweats.
As a killer who doesnt play seriously, its not that toxic either way. A killer can be toxic, a bully squad can be toxic, but they are rare. Tbh most people just play to get through their tombs and climb the rift lol. Playing to win and sweating just doesnt make sense on a game that feels like a party game lol
I’ve been getting more of the sweats. I rarely come across the wholesome players now. It shows on both sides when I play, tho not as bad when I play killer
I remember when i played with new freddy and on the end of the match he was tbagged by felix and felix was dead on the exit because of noed and he started saying that we are bad teamamtes and even killer was laughting because of felix rage
my Xbox account was banned due to the toxic community of this game😢