Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
This is strongly inspired in Legion Style music from DBD and also I used a lot the remix of Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics called “Sweet Dreams Are Made of Screams” for making this pieces. Hope you found them enjoyable.
(Select HD for more sound quality)
Dead by Daylight is owned by Behaviour
I could just imagine him licking his knife while chasing a survivor
creepypasta killers in dbd would be amazing, shame it will never happen.
Fuck it be so cool if the added slender then Jeff it be intresting to see them try something new with the creepypasta genre
Now I want this in the real game…
"The Grin" would sound a tiny bit more menacing though
LMFAO what if they did Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa as a killer XD
Dude! They should definitely hire you. The game would actually be scary and playable 😀
It's Amazing song lobby and chase!!!
If they ever add Jeff the killer in dbd, it would possibly be a Legion Legendary Cosmetic
if they did add it it would just be an extra look for the legion
Jeff would be cool to have as a Legendary Cosmetic for “The Legion”. Since their power would probably be pretty similar.
I'm gonna go on a limb and say that your request box is gonna be a lot quieter after this
You have all the best ideas with killers and their music😭
more than a new killer he would probably just be a legion skin :c
NOOOOOO NOT ANOTHER EDGY STABBY STABBY TEEN that will hit me from mars when I’m playing as SCOOPS AHOY STEVE
Jeff would make the Legion look like Survivors by comparison.
I'm really curious about adding Jeff the Killer to Dead by Daylight. He is a creepypasta character, where in the case of Michael Myers he is a movie character. I also wonder why there is not even a series about Jeff on Netflix. If it were a series or a movie, I'm sure Jeff The Killer would be the next killer in the game in the near future. All we can do is wait for something that nobody expects to happen.
dbd would be so much more scarier if they used this dudes soundtracks for every killer
jeff should be like a cosmedic for legion
Well we already kindaaa do I guess.. legion. Jeff is just an edgy teen so is frank. 🦧
bro, we need this in the fucking game
I'd want this in tbh
This dlc is a big joke imp. Why add a killer that’s already known and IS BASIC AS FUCK,on top of that I used to afraid of Jeff of the killer but now I just see him as a walking Barbie doll because of the social media clowning of it😭😭💀
He can just be turned into a legion skin (which won’t really be used much because..ya know legion) and he can laugh when he hits a survivor, unless there is a way better way to make him his own character and a polar opposite from the legion
Well on my version of this the killer name is the murder
13 year old me is screaming for this
This is fuckin awesome
hes already in dbd hes legion
How about a chapter with two Killers: Jeff the Killer and Jane the Killer. We have never had two killers whose stories are anyhow connected. I mean we have Spirit and Oni who are related, but I doubt they ever interacted with each other. The idea of two serial killers trying two hunt each other down would be a very interesting addition to the DBD lore. She could actually be even more interesting character than Jeff due to her "Liquid of Hate".
That sweet dreams cover be slappin tho
People who come up with names like this I am very impressed
Jeff the killer should have been the legion change my mind
I going to remastered