Strongest Position You Can Have as Killer! Dead by Daylight

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Everyone was off gens, 1 was on a hook out positioned, this was instant GG

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #highmmr #highlevel #tactics

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21 thoughts on “Strongest Position You Can Have as Killer! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Man truer words have never been spoken. I was rank 1 for many many years. When you have map pressure all game and have 5-10 second chases and feel on top of the world and they still knock out all the gens and leave with you with maybe one sacrifice, it's just taxing on the mental. Scourge hooks are probably the best thing to happen for killers, and even then, it's still not enough a lot of the time.

  2. playing for hooks feels like being a fkn babysitter or a being a gm who actively tries to make survivors have fun. its not fun at all.

    but tunneling, slugging and facecamping (when neccesary) actually feels like u are playing as KILLER, the power role. new killers, start playing like this, u will get better a lot fastrr and start to win more. doing these stuff also fucks up the mentals of survivors and they will make way more mistakes. this is the real way to play killer. just like tru3, i used to play for hooks, finishing chases in 15 secs and playing fully “fair” for what? just to get tbagged by a survivor at exit gate. never again. being a good survivor is easy asf, you dont even have to learn looping, just predrop and run to the next tile. you can get chased for 3-4 gens just doing this at %90 of the maps (unless playing against top level nurse) im playing surv full casual like 20-30 games a month, and im still getting high escape streaks and get to top mmr, getting matched with 4k hour players just by doing easy ass stuff. game is easy enough for survivors already. i only lose against killers who camp and tunnel. i always win against killers who play fair and its kinda sad.

    a medium skill player who tunnels and facecamps, slugs is way more dangerous than a high skill player who plays “fair”

  3. i once hated truetalents mindset in this game but now that i have been playing killer more i get it completely.. survivor mains are so entitled it hurts… i play nice and dont camp or tunnel and i get teabagged at the gates and called trash.. and then when i sweat i get called a try hard loser… there is no winning with these people

  4. The recurrent problem of DBD is that the best part of the game for killer and survivor is something killer needs to avoid at all costs, which is strong and difficult chases. Those are actually the best part of the game because of the challenge, both for killer and survivor: mind gamable loops and hard chases. However, if you commit to those, in most games you just gave up the game, because ppl wont be waiting on your 1v1. That's why setups that control generators are so important.

  5. But isn’t camping consider hand holding for killers? Gotta love a double standard, also with the 4% I think was added just to have a little hope even if it doesn’t work.


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