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Basically my MMR on console is super low right now in Dead by Daylight so I keep getting baby killers lol
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After seeing this, there is NO WAY bhvr didn't add bots in dbd.. Just no way that was a normal human beign sitting behind their desk playing dbd haha
You think they're bots but that's just your average solo queue teammates
Edit: I I know you all are talking about the killer but my point still stands
Maybe it WAS a real player and then they dc'd while chasing you and got replaced by a bot mid-match? Might explain why the bot only saw you
Do you do custom matches or only survivor open lobbies?
No human is that patient, devoted and focused especially when it’s pointless
Since hacker bots have been removed i have not seen a bot yet.
I have never seen any of your content before this, but its a pretty good introduction. Keep up the good content
The tunneling bot, reported 😂😂
He's just one of those friendly killers who doesn't care about their grade lol
Got the botties
Nah I've played DBDM for quite a bit
Bots won't do that, they'll traget other people if they can't reach the survivor that's currently targeted and they never lunge they'll only attack when they're directly on the survivor that's currently targeted, not to mention they will always have default cosmetics, and if the killer leaves mid game they'll get 7k points at most. It was definitely a human pretending to be a bot
I've hit survivors on the way out especially with Huntress so idkk there
bro u suck at looping though
I just had a bot survivor again and a bot spirit in the same game.NO perks or addons or items for either of them
This Can be a weirdo stream hack
So bots explain nowadays soloq
I mean, it isn’t a bad idea if the bots only activate when you stay in lobby for too long or the game won’t start because someone dc at the loading screen
After all, In those occasion it feels punishing even tho it isn’t your fault
If you want to see if it's a bot bodyblock him while he is carrying a survivor if it's a bot he won't be able to hit you under the hook
I played on a new account several months ago and it felt like I had been playing the tutorial, I think the game occasionally throws in a bot in a live game.
As for the new account, I think the game actually gives you bots for your first match
Biggest Simp Fr Fr
I'm going to start doing this
sometimes when I play dbd I like to go just for one player, but if other players get in the way I not mind going for them
that is either a bot or someone rping a bot. you can tell by the movements at the end when they attempt to pick you up after you've already escaped, a real player wont do that that long.