TOP 10 BEST Survivor Perk Combos! – Dead By Daylight

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Intro 0:00
Bond & Open Handed 0:29
Saboteur & Breakout 1:40
Head On & Quick and Quiet 2:43
Blast Mine & Wiretap 3:39
Overcome & Luckybreak 4:56
Smash Hit & Any Means Necessary 6:01
Empathic Connection & Renewal 7:20
Adrenaline & Hope 8:47
Borrowed Time & We’ll Make It 9:37
Balanced Landing & Dead Hard 10:33
End 11:36

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40 thoughts on “TOP 10 BEST Survivor Perk Combos! – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Leaving a pinned comment! Two things, 1. THANK YOU ALL! For the comments! It’s great to read what perk combos you guys love to use and has given me lots of ideas of things to try out so thank you so much! 2. I will be doing a killer version soon, so those of you who play killer and have a great combo for me to test, please feel free to leave your suggestions under this pinned comment! Thanks again 💓

  2. That’s a great combo list! I’ve got a few that might be odd:
    1) We’re Gonna Live Forever + Auto-Didact – this does require getting at least 4 or 5 tokens but you can pick up a dying survivor almost instantly (if a skill check procs) whilst giving them Endurance.
    2) Borrowed Time + Guardian – with Endurance being base, BT adds extra time ontop which will throw a lot of killers. Couple it with Guardian which gives the unhooked a 7% haste & allows you to see the killers aura, you can gain a ton of distance / guarantee a safe unhook & possible escape cross map.
    3) Vigil + any exhaustion perk – vigil has always been criminally underrated even before the buff, reducing any ailment by 30%, meaning it’ll take 28 seconds to fully recover from Exhaustion as apposed to 40.
    4) Built to Last + Streetwise – absolutely great for significantly extending any item usage & a great counter to Franklin’s Demise
    5) Overzealous + Resilience – can increase your gen repair speed whilst injured & cleansed a full totem to 17%, & if you’ve cleansed a hex that goes up to 25% gen repair speed. Pair that with a beefy toolkit, & on the basis you don’t lose another health state can repair generators much more efficiently.

    Looking forward to the next ☺️

  3. a combo that i use very often to do flashy saves or bang saves is selfcare and bite the bullet, it's so satisfying get a free flashy save when the killer doesn't expect u to be there since iron will was nerfed 🤣, great combo and very funny to use

  4. I am also really enjoying the Lucky Break + Overcome combo, but I have 2 other perks that I add to that
    Inner Healing and Quick and Quiet
    As long as you cleanse a totem before that – as soon as you get hit, just nyoom away with overcome, break line of sight and quietly jump into a locker – 8 seconds later you are fully healed and not wasting any of that Lucky Break duration!

  5. I've been having SO much fun with the Blastmine/Wire Tap combo! I've actually gotten more use out of BM after it's nerf. WT really helps with the timing of it, and helps you know if it's even worth it to trap the gen with a mine or just push the gen and finish it. It helps you save BM for later so the nerf really doesn't matter much. I've gotten value out of it multiple times during several matches.

  6. This one isn’t amazing, but it can be really fun…
    Plunderers instinct (get better items out of chests)
    Appraisal (Allows you to open chests twice)
    Ace in the hole (Puts add-ons onto the items you get out of chests)

    With this you can literally fill the map with a bunch of good items. Sometimes I’ll use this build and just run around dropping items everywhere

  7. I would throw off the record and decisive strike in there as well. The true anti tunnel build lol. Off the record and renewal is a good one as well, if you can run away and not get hit for 20 seconds, you can waste so much of the killer’s time if they try to tunnel you as you’ll basically have three health states.

  8. Small Game and the Jill totem perk work good together. Find one, then you destroy it, then you get a brief idea on where another is, repeat. You also can combine that with a boon to find a place you want the boon, either cleanse it if you don't like the spot, or boon if it is a spot you want.

  9. I'd like to add Alert to the Any Means Necessary and Smash Hit combo! ❤️

    I'd also like to add that I also love being the team medic and am also a fan of Empathetic Connection! I however never thought about comboing it with Renewal!

  10. About blast mine and wire tape, consider represed aliance (the gen blocking perk) in stead of blast mine, yes yes might be not as funny BUT the killer cant kick the gen unter amy circumstances, and, depending of the perk timings, you can get valu out of just represed aloance, and block a pain resunace or other gen regression perks, especially handy with old hex ruind, but it has ben ruined again.

    No doubt blast mine wire tape is gread but maybe the cherll perk would out performe it because of flexibility, even though it might not be as funny

    2. about bl and dh, it is funny and i have even run it, but the thing is that you always just have 1 chase perk, just consider a perk like aleart instead if bl or dh, you would get more value out of it because you are pretty likely to use both in a chase, and not just one. Still fun.

    3. Honurbal mention, dont juge me for my writing, second wind + otr.
    If the killer decides to tunnel you and notices that you have otr, because you have no sounds, he probably wont respect base bt, so you cant use otr any more. here comes second wind in, you should have enough time to get the second wind proc, because of the base bt or having enough time to reposition your selfe. Now second wind will heal deep wound and allow otr to work again, or heal you fully with otr still up and basically allowing for a guaranteed 3 hit chase
    (Base bt or fully healed -> otr -> down)

  11. One combo that I’ve been using recently is we’ll make it and bite the bullet. It’s nice because if the killer is coming back to hook, me and the injured survivor can go behind something and I can start the heal. Often times by the time they find us, I’ve already finished healing. It’s nice for very quick and completely silent heals.


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