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Dead By Daylight live stream| Did we nail it on the latest theory?
Paulie is a Fog Whisperer for Dead By Daylight. “A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling & absorbing content to a high standard.”
My PC is a special beastly Dead By Daylight themed custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it’s specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you’re in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!
Xidax PC video part 1:
Xidax PC part 2:
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Paulie Esther: All right PinHead, your time is up
Chapter21: Who are you calling a PinHead?
Awesome stream!
All I hear when we talk about pinhead is Patrick star telling spongebob “hey who you calling pin head”
I hope this isn't the new chapter maybe your wrong
It's possible they are spelling out vampires or hellraiser. But we don't know.
PinHead – pls I want!!!!!!!
Ehm that's the clowns finger of chaos on the board. Level 2 of tome 8. Hilarious how you make Hellraiser out of that. See the latest Dev Message. 😁 Sorry Pauli. I guess sometimes things are just what they are. A snack for the clown in his home level. 😁☺️
To the people saying fnaf is not horror it’s the same as dbd it will start off scary for dbd and then get competitive, then fnaf will start off scary and then it might be not as scary but the jumpscares are still pretty jumpy for me and I’ve played the games for 6 years
Even if this video is wrong and it's someone else…
The fact that I'm seeing some people say they'd rather have a character from five nights of Freddie than Pinhead is shocking.
Maybe some of you are just to young, cause Pinhead is one of the big 5 of the horror icons from the 70s and 80s horror movies, his first two movies are considered two of the best.
If u were an actual horror fan ud want an icon like Pinhesd not some 5 nights of Freddie character
Is it o ly me who's noticed that the letters we have can spell IS A REd herring
Omg you are the funniest streamer — 24:15 had me dying
They could also be spelling out spiral
Im using exactly the same build you use on this video right now lol
Multiple hockey references! Keep up the great work Paulie 🙂