Dead By Daylight| Mid Chapter Adjustments from PTB Feedback on Dead Hard & Healing & more!

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Dead By Daylight posted a developer update on their official forums today, detailing what changes they’re making to the mid-chapter patch, based on the feedback from the community after the PTB (public test build) last week. These include changing base healing, med kits, nerfs to perks like Dead Hard, Boon Circle of Healing, Scourge Hook Pain Resonance, etc…! Let’s read all about it here together in the blog post.

Here’s the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

What do you think about these upcoming changes? Let me know in the comments!

Thanks for watching!

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Xidax PC video part 1:

Xidax PC part 2:

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45 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Mid Chapter Adjustments from PTB Feedback on Dead Hard & Healing & more!”

  1. Dead By Daylight posted a developer update on their official forums today, detailing what changes they're making to the mid-chapter patch, based on the feedback from the community after the PTB (public test build) last week. These include changing base healing, med kits, nerfs to perks like Dead Hard, Boon Circle of Healing, Scourge Hook Pain Resonance, etc…! Let's read all about it here together in the blog post.

    Here's the link to the blog post on the official Dead By Daylight forums if you want to read about it yourself:

    What do you think about these upcoming changes? Let me know in the comments!

    Thanks for watching!

    Thanks to all your support we've finally reached that elusive 100,000 YouTube subscribers milestone and I've filled out the application for the silver PLAY button from YouTube to give to my son. Thank you for all your help. Obviously none of this happens without you. My son is going to be so excited when it arrives. To infinity and beyond! If you're one of the 70% of my viewers who watch my channel content but isn't subscribed please consider subscribing. Also double check if you think you are already subscribed because sometimes YouTube randomly removes subscriptions. Thank you for your help. Remember subscribing is completely free, it simply reminds you when I put up new content.

    If you buy any DLC or auric cell packages on Epic Game Store, you can support my channel by entering "PAULIEESTHER" in the creator tag box when you complete your purchase. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Or use my link here:

    Dead by Daylight | Download and Buy Today – Epic Games Store

    What's that symbol in the corner? That's my "Fog Whisperer" icon. What is a Fog Whisperer? A Fog Whisperer is a person who engages the DBD community by creating compelling and absorbing content to a high standard. Here's the list of the Fog Whisperers with links to their channels in this Dead By Daylight official website article:

    If you'd like to support the channel you can click join on the page on the link below for access to the special Esther emotes:

    Paulie Esther merch is here? What? How did this happen?

    My PC is a special Dead By Daylight custom PC made by Xidax. You can watch these videos here about the PC and it's specs and the journey to get it made. Also if you're in the market for a new PC, visit Xidax using my link and enter code "PAULIE" at checkout to let them know that Paulie Esther sent you!

    Xidax PC video part 1:

    Xidax PC part 2:

    Want to send me some snail mail? I have a Post Office Box set up now!





    If you enjoyed this video, please consider giving us a like and a subscribe. And ring that notification bell like a Wraith to get up the minute alerts when I post new videos! 🙂

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    #DeadByDaylight #ToolsOfTorment

  2. I know there are probably other instances of them actually doing so… But this feels like the first significant instance of them actually listening to the community after a PTB… To me it absolutely feels like the first time a PTB actually was important. And not just something they did because we expected them to, before something that went live…

    And I don't know why that is… Were they really ignoring us the other times, or were we not giving them clear enough feedback? I honestly am not sure…

  3. its good they reverted the healing, that alone had a higher chance to kill the game, deadhard still kind of a very dead perk, boon buffs are nice, as they said there was no point in running it with how much time it took to setup or even get to to heal esp it requring 16 seconds, tbh it would be interesting to start seeing them buff boon ranges again,

  4. I honestly haven't been playing in 8+ months. I love DBD, but it got disheartening when none of my friends wanted to play with me. Solo ques or always playing as killer just aren't the same either, even though I enjoy playing both roles. I do still enjoy checking in when stuff like this is happening so I'm at least somewhat informed should I come back to the game again.

  5. Thanks for seeing it from both sides, Paulie! It's a breath of fresh air for these veteran 2-way players. People get so caught up in the side that they play most lately that they dont realize there is another side sometimes. Great video!

  6. Idk on the med kits I liked them the way they were. I mean I have played several games lately that everyone dies pretty quickly. you can't even get yourself healed before the killer is back on you. Also several games where we didn't even get 1 gen done before we all die. I am not a noob either. I have been playing for over 5yrs. I just feel it's been harder to win games lately.

  7. When I play survivor I’m almost always solo queue, so I’m really sad about losing the self-heal aspect of CoH. I bring it with me because I can’t count on randoms to stop/find/heal me when I need, and it’s a way better alternative to Self-Care. Boons, like hexes, are high risk (blessing takes 12 seconds each time, totems are sometimes very difficult to find, other teammates might cleanse them before you get a chance, killers can instantly snuff them, Shattered Hope permanently destroys booned totems) and high reward (the ability to heal yourself and your team, multiple boon perks per totem…), and for me, a solo queue survivor who likes to play very altruistically, they are worth this risk. And honestly when I play killer (I play both roles equally), boons don’t even bother me. They’re easy to find (visual and auditory cues) and snuff out even if I have to stomp on them multiple times, so I don’t feel like I lose because survivors have it. CoH is a great tool and my solo survivor experience is going to suck now without it as it was. I would be open to better changes to CoH like slower healing speeds so long as the self-heal remained. Idk maybe I’m just an entitled survivor :/ I’m not streamer-level good, honestly I’m a pretty mid player and I just want to have fun. I guess solo queue survivors like me are just going to have to get used to builds without CoH and find new ways to heal. Inner Strength was my go-to before CoH and now that a lot of people will be turning back to that perk, it’ll be weaker since survivors will be competing for the 5 totems per match. Whoops, this post was longer than intended 😅 i have feelings okay

  8. Concerned about that dead hard change. If you hit someone as they’re getting unhooked they’ll get the unhooking deep wounds and then if the killer tunnels them… they still can’t use dead hard because they’re already in deep wound….

  9. I'm glad to see they didn't kill healing completely but Circle of Healing i don't see being run that often anymore. Also sad that killers lost a good perk in Pain Resonance, which I didn't mind going against even as a solo. I still feel many changes are solely based around a killer vs SWF matchup. I'd be interested in seeing the makeup of the participants in the PTB as only PC players are eligible so is it more SWF teams and streamers running the killers or what? Just a thought from my tiny perspective.

  10. i don't even use dead hard much anymore since Ash was released but the change wont matter if the killer hits you as soon as you get unhooked you already have deep wounds from base kit borrowed time and dead hard is pointless if the killer chases you down correct?

  11. Honestly, feeling conflicted. Yes the changes aren’t as bad as they could be but I still think they’re pretty bad. People don’t like playing games they have a high chance of losing. If we’re already at 60% kill rate, why will people want to play when that number gets worse after these changes?

  12. Thanks, as usual Paulie for the info! Am I crazy, didn't gel dressings give you 16 charges as it is currently? In this regard, can't I still run a medit kit with a gel dressing and something else like a bandage or self-adherent wrap plus BTL and still get 4 heals albeit slower but better than self-care?

  13. Sorry but the Devs are obviously listening to the wrong people. Back to 16 seconds??? GTFO,…mediate for God's sake. How about 20 seconds not a complete backtrack. Okay with DH change, and Billy reverts, but killer still getting screwed once again. Pain Res is still trash af. No guarantees with this perk whatsoever unless all hooks are scourge hooks. Super unhappy with the direction this game is going. I disagree with the casual take because that simply isn't human nature at all. There is no real care to balance because there are 2 factions that have formed and are quite dynamic. Solution: Game mode 1- casual quick play( quick cues and no MMR) and 2- Ranked mode with SHOWN MMR,…separate the dichotomy because clearly 2 different mindsets

  14. survivors want to run the killer for 5 gens every match, pre drop every pallet and flashlight blind the killer, save their teammate when the killer worked hard for that down by bodyblocking the hook, do every gen peacefully and never have the killer come and defend it, heal mid chase and t bag, have enough time to finish every gen with 0 hooks to run around in their flashy cosmetics and harass the killer, vault spam to get the killers attention under their command, point their little finger and gesture to come without a fear in the world, & after they are done with the pinata, open the gates, do a congo line and play limbo with their teammates until the last 5 secs of end game timer to rub the killers snout into their loss.
    killers want a fair and competitive match with an honorable outcome.

  15. I’m sad about the boons. That was a really good perk. 😢 no one is gonna want to take the time to run to a boom to heal someone else .. you can just get it done there. ???

  16. I remember when a few devs got backlash for what they said on cam. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. The major good part of doing it is being transparent and you are interacting with the community. Explaining the changes and going in depth as to why they made the changes did help out a lot of knowing where they are heading towards the game. You are correct Paulie, we do have community managers that would handle the situation like this. But I think we all have to remember that no matter what you do there will always be someone to try and make anyone look bad. We just have to ignore the trolls .

  17. Well they just barely saved the game. I don't think anyone will bring the circle of healing and now that it will no longer be used, people will still occasionally bring the boon Exponential instead which means that boon will be useless when the devs nerf or change that, cause "it's too powerful so us killers can't slug in every match." It does make me wonder how many of the 80+ perks survivors never use

    On a good note, it's about time they made a way to auto-choose on the blood web if you don't want to waste as much time trying to lvl up your chars and the visible heartbeat is good for those that need it.

  18. Well for me I always loved DBD, I do admit life has been busy the last bit but I think I have over 2500 hours into the game. For me it is about having fun, it always has I would hop on Discord with my best friend and my girlfriend and some of my other friends or family and just have fun. So I definitely don't want it to go in the way of more competition style. As for perks and changes yes some are kind of crappy but none of it would ever get me to quit playing right now just the content is bland with the knight and now skull merchant and a lot of toxicity. Thankfully there is no voice chat in the game lol so I am quick to leave end game chat 😛 I am just hoping that the next chapter knocks my socks off and reels me back in <3

  19. as an exclusively solo queue player, i really don't like the CoH change. wish they'd kept the self-healing aspect and just made it take longer. back to fuckin closet heal, i guess. :/

  20. Swf teams will not be affected and bully killers like before.

    The only solution to make the game better is to make a hard age restriction and ban all russians

  21. For me, removing COH's self-healing ability is a mistake. It would've been better if the devs tweaked it in a way that it only gives a few times to self-heal; like it will have a few charges, and then it'll be snuffed out automatically when it reaches 0.

  22. Overall incredible changes, my only concern is a very niche scenario for Twins players. If you down someone who's inside a boon circle, & someone has were gonna live forever, won't they be able to pick up the person from the ground faster than your cooldown for Victor pounce? Because Victor pounce cooldown is 5sec, 200% of 16sec a standard heal (100 from circle & 100 from WGFL) is 4sec.

  23. I'm so happy they listened to us little guys about the healing. That really was a fundamental value of the game they were about to totally wipe out. Thank you for making this video Paulie!

  24. As long as the survivor mains get what they want, all good, right? Oh, they did uptick a single power that can still only now be used 4 times total in a match. I am sure that will ensure its continued usage…

  25. I been playing since the 5th anniversary. I have seen everything. From broken meta perks to the worst of the worst. I love this game with all my heart and I'm glad things are changing yet again.

  26. I think circle of healing should let you heal yourself but way more slow like 20 seg.. that way the perk is stronger when there are teammates around but also useful when there is nobody around and not broken to heal yourself in less of 10 seconds.

  27. I wonder if the devs understand how much is relying on the anniversary chapter this year, so many people I know are holding out for that to get them excited to DBD again since the last few updates haven't been fun I really really really hope they hit it out of the park and reveal something massive and boost morale.

  28. In my opinion I think they need to change the matchmaking, I noticed recently I have been playing against the same player twice in a row but playing different killer and he got 4ks in both matches or killers play the same style camping or tunnelling. The game should focus about that instead of changing perks I think that’s the main issue in the game


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