Dead by Daylight Might Be REALLY BAD in 2024

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#dbdkillergameplay #dbd #dead_by_daylight #intothefog

Intro song: “I SAID LET HIM COOK” Homixide Gang – Lifestyle (Guitar Remix)

Outro Song: Eyes of the Tiger Rap Trap Gunna Remix (by Freaky Joe)

Twitter: @dukhedYT


38 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Might Be REALLY BAD in 2024”

  1. Pretty sure they're just going to take away 2 stacks of it since with the 6.3 patch it became base kit either that or just make it turn off end game. Sloppy butcher they are probably going to make one effect combined and change the perk and like add ons. By ruthless you mean regular right because all killers do now is tunnel slug and proxy anyways.

  2. Huntress is beyond outdated tbh, she needs a few tweaks; 7 indoor maps that gut her power, Badham 1-5 are trash for her, toba landing, haddonfield, half the MacMillian maps and the shattered square have way too much clutter, Eyrie of crows has all high wall loops basically. I could go on.

  3. Honestly the biggest issue with Sloppy and Mangled is that they don't want to admit they made a mistake with Thanaphobia. Thanaphobia is the problem.
    It's almost poetic how STBFL is gonna get mangled the same way Decisive did this time last year given they're both from the same chapter.

  4. Hey I just found this video and I subbed to your channel everything you said in this video I agree with Im a survivor main but I understand how killers will feel because it just looks like they keep nerfing killer and buffing survivors

  5. all they have to do for STBFL is max it at 6 stacks, simple change, after they reduced the cooldown after hitting someone STBFL was overtuned because it wasn't changed with the recovery time, 6 stacks bring it back to how it was before the killer buff unless they change it completely

  6. i can guarantee u they are buffing ds, why ? just because some stupid player couldn't get 10 miles away with 1 ds and ultimate weapon will get nerfed because survivor can't spend 1 slot to bring calm spirit.

  7. As a P100 Myers/Bubba main, I often use STBFL and Sloppy Butcher on my Scratch Mirror build and seeing them rework those perks are going to make me worry because Myers is already known as a D tier killer in DBD. They shouldn’t be solving 3 genning, they should be fixing gen rushing. Gen rushing causes killers to put pressure on gens more at 1 gen left to go. If they kill off 3 genning then I don’t know how I can play things like Trapper or Myers whom are weak. 2023 was already bad to nerf Pain Res but Eruption did deserve its nerf. Killer mains like me don’t want to use gen slowdown perks it’s just the survivors who gen rush that mess up the eco system of DBD. Also another part on why DBD is so survivor sided is because of all the influencers on twitch and YouTube who promote gen rushing and anti gen rush builds. I first played this game to have fun now it seems like you can’t have a relaxing game anymore. The game where you don’t run corrupt intervention, deadlock, surge, pain res etc then the generators will be done faster then your dad leaving to get the milk. To all the survivor mains who are involved with the gen rushing and toxicity at exit gates and they’re reading this then you are part of the reason why killers use anti gen rush builds to stop you from making the game unfair. Most killer perks can’t even withstand survivor perks anymore. I also saw that they’re reworking Myers in 2024 as well which makes me worry like hell. I don’t know if they will nerf him (if they did I’ll rant on twitter) or if they will buff him (I hope so). It pushes more people to play Blight, Nurse, Spirit, Wesker etc just like what dukhed said. Oh boy that was a lot to say. Also if you see a ttv or yt in your server make sure to stream snipe them because they make the game a bad name to new players.

  8. 7:46 I learned Nurse months before the MFT haste meta hit the game and omg I'm happy that I did. They wanna run M1 killers into the ground? Well i just became a Nurse main last year. Thanks BHVR for that Haste meta being the motivator on top of everything else wrong with the game

  9. Give survivors the old healing, along with change the medkits back to what they were. STBFL isnt a bad perk until its paired with rapid brutality, 23 they absolutely shit in survivors hopefully 24 they even it out and shit on the killers for once. Talking about tunneling and proxy camping, my guy they alreasy do lol

  10. Stbfl only needs a minor tweak due to the fact you can easily tunnel with it; I would make it as if you hit a survivor with Deep Wound you lose tokens like when you hit the obsession (and that would even fix the Deathslinger problem everybody is talking about), every other change would be bad for me.
    For Sloppy Butcher and Mangled, I'm confident they will do a "rework" and not a complete nerf, I really hope this is the case, however I don't really care, Sloppy Butcher has been the only anti-heal perk in the meta for so long, so I wouldn't mind a nerf for it.

    P.S. I'm confident the new anti-three gen mechanic will be something like the new anti-camp mechanic, not too useful, not too useless, I agree with you, there was no need to implement a mechanic like this considering three gen is a dynamic more related to survivors competence than killers.

  11. You can play Spirit and Nurse if you like there's no need to excuse yourself about it. The community pushed and manipulated to hard to make people feel guilty for playing strong killers, but in reality it's just a fucking videogame and content in a videogame, you can play what you like. If you think someone is a bad person just because of what they play you need help. I'm sick of people saying "I know I'm an absolute piece of trash but I like nurse". No man, you just like Nurse, it's not your job to balance her, it's bhvr's. If they broke her, that's not your problem.

  12. I blame the "content creators" they make things look worse than they are and make the stupid devs make stupid changes. I think 2024 is the year DBD dies, it has been on a steady decline even releasing BIG franchises like Alien and Chucky.

  13. I love playing killer more than survivor and even I agree, something needs to be done for 3 genning. There’s ways to counter tunneling, proxy camping, etc. there’s perks and tactics to deal with that. There is no counter to 3 genning. It’s almost like holding the game hostage. I rarely see killers 3 genning too so it’s not like it’s going to kill killer meta.

    The only counter to 3 genning is deja vu and that’s hardly a counter. Deja vu will only work if the killer is unaware of which 3 gens are closer, or doesn’t care about 3 genning. And if a killer DOES care and is trying to 3 gen, Deja vu is basically useless

  14. DBD's current meta has never been so goddamn gen rushy. Literally the most survivor sided gen rushy meta it's ever been in the game since it's release, that not even sometimes 3 genning could be 100% effective. It's clear the devs are survivor mains too because they keep making their game survivor sided, which just fuels entitlement for other survivor mains that think they're God at the game but really they're just getting carried by lack of skillcap.

    Smh this is why SWTOR is the best game right now.

  15. Who cares about Killers…. i was a killer main and just swaped to survivor. Its so easy to loop them and you get tunneled every game but you still win most of them. Also i just watch Streams or YT while playing it. Could never do that as killer

  16. there shouldn't need to be a "solution" for 3 gens. the solution is don't play poorly and do the gens in an order that will come back to bite you. if it happens it's the survivor's fault. that just seems like another hand holding mechanic for the casual majority of survivor mains. the more changes the game gets the more obvious it becomes that the killer isn't meant to win as often as their skill would allow.

  17. But this has already happened with the "anti-camp"/no hook grabs change, we've had to play extremely vicious to keep up. This is nothing new, besides just going to make things even worse for bottom three. If they gut all of those perks and destroy three genning, all we can hope is that they nerf the shit out of ds, cause tunnel mania is the last and only valid playstyle left for the territorial killers. They cannot expect the killers that lose gens for existing not to play to the extreme or leave their prey alone after a first hook.

  18. M1 killers are already not viable with STBFL. STBFL just helps them a little. M1 killers are garbage tier, this is coming from a 4,000 hour Myers main. Playing him is just painful but im a huge Hallloween fan and love the character.

  19. Dude I have already started a crash course on pinhead. I want to get good at him before they ruin my favorite perks. I really don't get why the agenda for bhvr this year seems entirely to be screwing killers over and powdering the survivor's booties.

  20. Actually I'm glad demogorgon is getting some tune ups. Nothing significant, but I feel that as balanced as a killer they are, they're slowly sliding off in strength as better and more nuanced killers come along. Shred is an excellent power and perhaps where most of my enjoyment of demo comes from, while portal placement to me feels a bit too time consuming. This is different than Xeno, where while I have to deal with counterplay in the form of turrets, I always have access to tunnels and I also can quickly gain back the ability to use tail-strike.

    I always wanted some sort of "scent" mode for Demo, where after injuring a survivor, Demo can charge Of the Abyss to pick up blood scent that activates a short-lived killer instinct.


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