Proof "Comp DBD" Doesn't Exist…? | Pig, Dead By Daylight

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39 thoughts on “Proof "Comp DBD" Doesn't Exist…? | Pig, Dead By Daylight”

  1. Now that killers can facecamp a survivor at 0 gens done without any punishment I've turned into a pre-dropping Peter in soloq myself. Either that, or I'm getting tunneled out of a game with one gen done at best * shrug *.

  2. I'd like to know what a "pre-drop" actually is. because from what I understand there where only 7 actual pre-drops in this video and most of them came from the Jake on The Game. the others were pallet stuns or attmpted pallet stuns with a few pallet standoffs. in my eyes an actual pre-drop is exactly what the Jake was doing. Running to a pallet, dropping the pallet even if you're safe form a hit and can make it to another pallet. Seems like if you take the logic used in this video then literally every thrown pallet no matter what is a pre-drop.

  3. The main difference between comp drop and rando drop is that comp drop is allowing your sweatlord friends to hump the gens as efficiently as possible, whereas rando drop is allowing the Nea to Urban Evasion at the edge of the map while Dwight and Claud stare at the inside of some lockers because they heard your terror radius for 1/10th of a second.

  4. Almost none of them were predrops. If they didn’t drop the pallet when they did they would’ve gotten hit almost every single time idk what you’re trying to prove lol and I’m a killer main

  5. So if I see survivors play like this in the majority of my matches… does that mean I'm near the top? Cause literally all of them just pre-drop, never loop. They are all in SWF (Edit: Usually swf, as it often backfires in solo lobbies) and know they have enough pallets to get through 5 gens. The game is stupid boring when survivors realize maths is on their side.

  6. Unwinnable match but this is why I run some duo of Brine, Jolt, Eruption over Deadlock and No Way Out. It punishes them in the 3-gens better but also in a hold-w, early-drop environment (Brine time, Eruptions set, rather than one Deadlock Gen they are avoiding to repair for other Gens anyways). You won't even win 3-genning necessarily, but at least the pallet dropping actually meant something and some hooks were added. If you don't do this because of how boring or lame it can feel, then I have no counter to that sadly. Lame play begets lame play. 

    It also might be worth adding a crazy experiment like the Whispers perk, and Crouch for the 2-4 seconds before you reach the 32m range of a Gen to see if Whispers lit up. Crouching this far out might give you more time behind LOS-blockers which means more free hits and STBFL plays even sooner. There's some chase perks that can help way sooner than STBFL as well, like Bamboozle, Blood Favor, PWYF, even Brutal Strength, but yeah.. the debate is very real because once STBFL gets high stacks it is something special.

    I'd try Corrupt, Brine, Eruption, STBFL while trying to 3-gen to a certain medium point because 1) 3-genning is like lame gameplay to beat lame gameplay (early-dropping with coordinated SWF genrushing), and 2) Corrupt, Brine, Eruption can kinda play map-wide decently as well too! Then even without Whispers, take a look at which Gens can be Crouched towards in almost complete utter stealth, like LOS-blockers the WHOLE way, and give that play a try once in a while too.

  7. I've said this a million times. Pre-dropping pallets and reducing the risk of a hook to zero is the best strategy to win if three of your teammates are doing gens. Once you unplug your brain and realize how much looping isn't necessary based on how they designed the game, it will blow your mind. I've tested this on several SWF teams. You will win every time as long as you aren't in solo queue.

  8. As a comp player myself it definitely exists but you also have a bunch of people grasping at titles that aren't theirs. For our team we do tryouts once a week and the amount of people claiming they're the number one of that killer in their country is countless who then turn out to be obviously lying when we try them out. We also see plenty of people who claim they are or were comp but again when the time comes we find out they aren't because they don't even know fundamental basic comp stuff such as using clock call outs.

    But nonetheless comp definitely exists. If you look up tournaments and talk to actual best in the community they'll tell you about it how different it is.

    Small side note: pre dropping pallets is a very common thing with comp survivors. Pretty drop and go for distance. Ditch one tile and go to the next.

  9. as a community DbD players need to come together to shame and belittle "comp players". youre not good at the game for pressing spacebar and hitting gen skillchecks.

  10. this video made no sense. your not playing with comp rules soooooo you cant count this as a comp match or did you forget that? The point of comp rules is to balance the game more. You sound like true talentless 2.0….You buff solos so then you can buff killer accordingly lol stop being a baby.

  11. I wouldn’t say all of these were pre drops but there were a lot, this is basically comp and like you said why blight nurse and spirit can only really compete without restrictions they have in some comp tournaments

  12. Man… I used to watch you and basically only you until I caught on to how much of an excuse making crybaby you really are… I’ve never seen you actually respect an opponents skill, and now in this video you’re calling pallet stuns “pre-drops”… I don’t even know what to say.

  13. At the end the prompt “5 gens were done in blah blah with corrupt and deadlock” yes dude.. that’s what happens when you pressure one survivor at a time in long goofy chases instead of breaking some pallets and then breaking chase to pressure someone else, hopefully into one of the dead’s ones they create during these 2-3 pallet chases. If you let the survivors break pallets at their leisure they will take you all around, avoiding their team on gens. You just rely on your ability to beat “loopers” in chase, and if they aren’t looping then you have no idea what to do, I’ve seen it many times watching you. Someone runs you, you complain and make excuses, and it hurt me because I really respected you.

  14. Oh, and you didn’t have a 3 gen because the first time you considered if you had one or not was after they did 3-4 gens. You have to be playing in/be mindful of your endgame area from the start, by doing t after they’ve been whooping your ass you handed them the game… now, let’s watch the 2nd game against a team off comms that probably tries to loop you

  15. Uh… wow. I don’t know what to say. The jake played the pallet wrong and went down for it.. I wager the other team wouodve taken a hit or something. Regardless, I just wanted to ask you to have a higher standard for yourself and to be more genuine. Nobody asks you to win every game and nobody needs you to be perfect in order to be a fan, just be real. Play your games and I’m sure you’ll win a majority and the ones you lose just be humble no big deal. Don’t blame the game or swf or balance or whatever because your opponents who lose have the same argument and it’s nonsensical. I still check in from time to time hoping you’ve grown as a gamer and person. Hopefully I learn that you have soon

  16. Pre dropping really is the most efficient way to waste the killers time. If everyone knew to just stay on the gens while one person pre drops the entire map, killers would be in for a rough time. If survivors wanted a reason why killers camp / tunnel, just give them this video.


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