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44 thoughts on “TRICKSTER BUFF IS HERE! LIVE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. He's still objectively worse than Huntress….but he's to the point where I'll play him just cuz he's my spirit animal. Though I will admit that if I have Main Event almost up I'm gonna engage in a little Insidious camping because it is pretty good for taking down multiple survs in one area. Hey, I'm the Trickster: I trick people lol

    Update: I've played this guy for 1 hour and now I keep humming "Pop Goes the Weasel" every time I hook a survivor. Send help.

  2. I’M GONNA KEEP COMMENTING THIS UNTILL IT’S ADDRESSED, which is please make your YouTube videos louder. It’s annoying having to constantly grab my remote every commercial break because of how loud the difference is between it and your videos. Louderrrr vids plz

  3. Killer main here: it’s amazing how all these years later and we still use the same… 8 perks!! Lol at this point Behaviour, just give us the characters and will make due. Kind of sad at the same time that all these new perks are just “fillers” in a way. Only ones worth a damn are the survivor OP perks they keep making stronger. Maybe make these killer common perks match? Idk just an observation.

  4. Red Dwarf is by far my most favorite series of all time. I’ve watched every single episode at least 3 times and I have NEVER met a single person who’s heard of it until I met my best friends James and Bexley who are twins named after Lister’s twins in Red Dwarf 😂

  5. Best add ons are cut thru u blades and trick blades so they go thru them bounce off the wall behind them and hit them again resulting in really quick lacerations on them

  6. To be fair, you do proxy camp quite a bit.
    Even I never stay near the hook, I'm instantly going for a BBQ person or just going out far like I have it; staying nearby the hook in my opinion shows weakness.
    And before you blame Trickster, I've beaten plenty of smart survivors with him and gotten ruthless before his fix. So not really his fault.

  7. It feels like they use a random name generator for the killer then pick the powers later. Why even call him the trickster with no tricks. It was the same with Blight. What blight? You mean Speedy McGhoul? They are 100% getting saved by the licensed killers who by definition unique and interesting.

  8. As weak as this killer is, his design and audio bytes are my absolutely favorite in the game. Such a shame and I hope they give him a worthwhile buff soon. The giggles and winks get me every time 😩

  9. I still consider the fact that you don't ever want to use his "ult" to be the main issue.
    Like… imagine you're playing Reaper in Overwatch. You use your ult on 5 enemies, but D.Va flies in close and completely "eats" it.
    That's a big deal. That's a huge event that just happened. That might have turned the course of the match.

    If you don't like Overwatch as an example – screw it. You're playing Oni, you got your power and then you just… forget to use it for the entire match. You know? "Oh, woopsie, forgot I can Hulk it up".

    Using an ability that you work towards should feel impactful.
    "Missing" the aforementioned ability (or just not using it) should feel bad.
    It shouldn't be a "meh". It should be something along the lines of "Oh my God, I just messed upgot massively outplayed".

    P.S. Though it should be obvious, I'm not blaming True for not using it, I'm blaming the devs for not making it good enough to use!

  10. ➡️ ⤵️

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's





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  11. majority of people here complaining still after the buff literally don't know how to play trickster (which probably you can't play huntress either because his new buff requires you to actually try to aim) people who played him before and after the buff see that he is improved (besides his main event) it seems like a lot of you just want killers to be as strong as spirit or blight lmao! Not every killer has o be very strong in order o 3k or 4k


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